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"Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereignty over Dokdo" Published

  • Date Feb 16, 2007
The Foundation has recently published "Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereignty over Dokdo" (Kyongsaewon Publishing Company), a compilation of historical s and reference materials on Dokdo. Of note, the book is written in English as well as Korean in an effort to broaden international awareness of the significance of Dokdo, a valuable territory of Korea, and to make known a proper historical account of the disputed islets. To provide clear evidence that Dokdo is undoubtedly Korean territory, the book includes references to 119 maps and 59 historical records that confirm Korea's sovereignty over the Dokdo islets in the East Sea. Annotation of the historical materials and a related research paper have been written by Dr. Lee Sang-tae, Chair Professor of Graduate Studies of Korea International Culture University, and chief of the Historical Research Section of the National Institute of Korean History, who has dedicated his professional career to the research of historical geography and old maps. As such, Dr. Lee is recognized as one of Korea's foremost authorities on matters related to Dokdo and the East Sea. It is especially meaningful that this compilation of historical s, maps, and reference materials, of Korea's sovereignty of Dokdo, has been published in English. As such, "Historical Evidence of Korean Sovereignty over Dokdo" is expected to serve as a valuable resource for setting the record straight, in regard to the Dokdo controversy, among English-language readers.


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