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The KF Forum hosts former US President George Herbert Walker Bush

  • Date Mar 05, 2008
Ever since the foundation of the Republic, Korea has had a close alliance with the United States. The bilateral relationship started as a political and military relationship during the Cold War, then evolved into an economic and trade relationship, and now into a partnership in Northeast Asia and in the world. With the inauguration of the new presidential administration in Korea, it is an opportune time to assess and evaluate the bilateral relationship between Korea and the United States. The Korea Foundation is proud to host the former US President George Herbert Walker Bush as the speaker for the Korea Foundation Forum for March. Former President Bush will speak on the topic of "The Past, Present and Future of the Korea-U.S. Alliance". The Forum will be a good opportunity to review the history of the alliance, assess its present state, and look toward a renewed relationship between the two countries. Date : March 13, 2008 (Thurs.) Time : 7:30 AM Place : Seoul Shilla Hotel


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