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[Notice] Support for ‘Korean Culture Festival’

  • Date Jul 02, 2009

Support for ‘Korean Culture Festival’
at U.S. Universities

The Korea Foundation (KF, 한국국제교류재단), together with the Korea International Trade Association (KITA, 한국무역협회) and the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO, 한국관광공사) is supporting the Korean Culture Festival at U.S. Universities.

1. Who is eligible to receive this program?

Korean-American or Korea-related student associations at U.S. universities.

2. What support is provided to recipients? 

Financial support of $2,000, a set of four Korean films with English subtitles  and other materials such as Korean food guide books and posters.

3. What are recipients doing for the Korean Culture Festival? 

    The recipients organize cultural events such as Korean film showing and food tasting in the University either as a part of an International Festival or a Korea-related celebration.     

4. How many recipients are selected?

The three supporting organizations review applications and select about thirty (30) universities every year. 

5. What are recipients’ obligations after the event?

All recipient student organizations are required to submit an event report.  The reports will be compiled for the records and information.

6. By when do applicants submit applications?

All applications and additional materials for the 2009-2010 academic year should be emailed or postmarked no later than September 11, 2009.

7. Where do prospective applicants obtain the application form and guidelines and more detailed information?

The Korea Foundation, Washington, D.C.
1612 K Street, N.W., Suite 1201, Washington, D.C. 20006
E-mail: washingtondc@kf.or.kr
Telephone: 202-419-3400          Fax: 202-419-0498


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