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[Announcement] The second Korea Foundation Awardee

  • Date Nov 10, 2009
The Korea Foundation Award was inaugurated in 2008 to honor and express the Foundation’s heartfelt appreciation to individuals that strive to promote awareness of Korean culture in the international community.
The Foundation called for recommendations from 67 Korean studies scholars abroad, as well as Korean embassies abroad and foreign embassies in Korea. After review process lasting two months, the Foundation is proud to announce that this year's Awardee is Dr. John Duncan, Professor of Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), who has contributed to the development of Korean studies in the United States.
Also, the Foundation will present the Distinguished Service Award to Dr. Jun-Yop Kim, President of the Institute for Social Sciences, and former President of Korea University, to acknowledge his contribution to the development of Korean studies in China.
The Awardees will receive US$10,000 and a medal. The time and venue of the Award presentation ceremony will be on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, at Keumho Art hall.
Please refer to the Awardees’ brief biographies below:

■ John B. Duncan, Recipient of Korea Foundation Award
Major Accomplishments
- Writings:
The Origins of the Chosôn Dynasty (University of Washington Press, 2000), Rethinking Confucianism: Past and Present in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam (co-authored. Asia-Pacific monograph series, University of California Press, 2002), Reform and Modernization in the Taehan Empire (co-authored. Jimoondang, 2006), The Institutional Basis of Civil Governance in the Chosôn Dynasty (co-authored. Seoul Selection, 2009)
- Monographs and dissertations: Approx. 70
Brief biography
- 2001-Present Director of UCLACenter for Korean Studies
- 1993-1994      Visiting scholar, Harvard University
- 2005-2008      Chair of Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
- 1989-Present  Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor,
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (Korean history
major), UCLA
- 1988               Doctor of History, University of Washington
- 1977               Master of History, University of Hawaii
- 1972              Bachelor of History, Korea University
- 1966-1968     Served in United States Forces in Korea (USFK)
- 1945              Born in Arizona, United States
[UCLA Center for Korean Studies]
- Founded in 1985
- 10 tenured and tenure track faculties (the largest number among all universities on the American mainland)
- Activities include supporting studies of 2,000 or more students who are taking Korea-related subjects (incl. undergraduate level), research, publications, academic conferences and others
- Renowned scholars whose activities support the Center include Robert Buswell and Burglind Jungmann
Jun-Yop Kim, Recipient of the Foundation's Distinguished Service Award
Major accomplishments in Research
Writings and interpretations of 31 books and monographs such as The History of the Korean Communist movement (5 volumes), Contemporary History of China, History of the Chinese Communist Party, and A Long March (5 volumes)
Brief Biography
- 1999               Honorary Doctor of Business Administration, Ajou University
- 1997-Present  Adviser of the Research Institute for Korean Archives and
- 1993-Present  Honorary Professor of PekingUniversity, FudanUniversity
Hangzhou University, Liaoning University, Peoples' Republic of China
- 1989-Present  President, Institute for Social Science
- 1984               Honorary Doctor of Literature, Yonsei University
- 1982-198        President of Korea University
- 1971               Honorary Doctor of Law, Konkuk University
- 1969-1982      Director of the Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University
- 1949-1982      Professor, school of Humanities, Korea University
- 1958               Exchange Professor, Harvard University
- 1948               Studied at the Graduate School of National Central University,
- 1946-1949      Lecturer of NationalSchool of Oriental Languages, China
- 1944-1945      Served in the Korean Independence Army
- 1920               Born in Ganggye, PyeongbukProvince
Awards and Grants
- Dongbaeg Medal, Order of Civil Merit
- Moran Medal, Order of Civil Merit
- National Foundation Medal
- Patriotic Medal, Order of Merit for National Foundation
- Language and Culture Friendship Award (‘00, Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China)


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