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[Invitation] Dr. Sandra Nitrini, Dean of FFLCH, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

  • Date Aug 04, 2010

Dr. Sandra Nitrini, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Foreign Language and Human Science, University of São Paulo will visit Korea from August 8 to 15 by invitation of the Korea Foundation.

University of São Paulo[USP], a public and free university, is one of the most prestigious education and research institutions in Latin America. With approximately 80 thousand enrolled students, it is composed of seven campuses, 40 learning and research units, five hospitals, five museums and multiple experimental laboratories. It comprises all areas of the human activity and offers about 700 regular courses and develops a large number of Brazilian masters and doctors who work in higher education and research institutes.

Dr. Sandra Nitrini has received a doctor’s degree and habilitation in literature theory and comparative literature from USP and served as a full professor for 20 years. Widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on literature theory and comparative literature, she has also published four books including , , and .

During her stay, Dr. Nitrini will visit relevant institutes and universities such as the Korean Comparative Literature Association, Graduate School of International Studies of Ewha Womans University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul National University Institute of Latin American Studies and Busan University of Foreign Studies to discuss ways to enhance mutual exchange and cooperation between the institutions of the two countries.


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