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[Confirmation of Attendees] KF Lecture Series on Korea’s Society and Culture

  • Date Apr 21, 2016

[Confirmation of Attendees] KF Lecture Series on Korea’s Society and Culture

Thank you for your interest and participation in the KF Lecture Series on April 26-June 14. We are pleased to confirm the following attendees, as indicated in the listing below.

NAME Phone number NAME Phone number
Agnel Joseph xxx-xxxx-2784 Kumari Rohini xxx-xxxx-7634
Ahossey Kossi xxx-xxxx-6528 Larissa Franz xxx-xxxx-1446
Akibon Olatunji James xxx-xxxx-1978 Marta xxx-xxxx-3007
Amira Hoque xxx-xxxx-5529 Matthew Niel Hebrona xxx-xxxx-7060
Amr Al-Ansi xxx-xxxx-1704 Merose Hwang xxx-xxxx-6406
Anna xxx-xxxx-2730 Mihai Clapaniuc xxx-xxxx-7335
Anne Katrine Salling xxx-xxxx-8955 Neeraj Kumar xxx-xxxx-3168
Arian Grace Jovena xxx-xxxx-3454 Olga Cielo Molina xxx-xxxx-1369
Ariane Amiot xxx-xxxx-5922 Olivia Kong xxx-xxxx-3102
Carmen Santella xxx-xxxx-8188 Pamela Urbina xxx-xxxx-4212
Carmen Tse xxx-xxxx-1512 Peng Bo xxx-xxxx-4044
Celine Ly xxx-xxxx-4673 Rachel Leng xxx-xxxx-2344
Ciceo Anca Valentina xxx-xxxx-0756 Rahul Raj xxx-xxxx-0105
Dhiya xxx-xxxx-7982 Rodriguez Castellanos Amelia xxx-xxxx-7710
Dominador m de jesus jr xxx-xxxx-5498 Ruby xxx-xxxx-4228
Dosunmu Ololade xxx-xxxx-0040 Salimata Sy xxx-xxxx-6586
Edina Barabas xxx-xxxx-7795 Seksan Anantasirikiat xxx-xxxx-6226
Gahramanlı Turana xxx-xxxx-7424 Shyam Kumar Anand xxx-xxxx-8146
Gertjan xxx-xxxx-1044 Sinta Lazuardi xxx-xxxx-9109
Giuseppe Spatafora xxx-xxxx-8692 Stephanie Choi xxx-xxxx-2474
Janice Watson xxx-xxxx-1972 Thang xxx-xxxx-6138
Jennifer Chang xxx-xxxx-6623 Thomas Klassen xxx-xxxx-8154
Jenny Kim xxx-xxxx-8876 Walter Foreman xxx-xxxx-4142
Jonathan Rodriguez xxx-xxxx-2368 Wei Keat Lai xxx-xxxx-0649
Joyce Kim xxx-xxxx-7608 Wendy Repas xxx-xxxx-9731
Julie Schuldt xxx-xxxx-5269 Williams Kyei xxx-xxxx-9796
Karakusi Harmanz Nihan xxx-xxxx-5400 Yoon son kim xxx-xxxx-8607
Kaushal Kumar xxx-xxxx-6980 Yu Boya xxx-xxxx-6637
Ko-Un Kim xxx-xxxx-7433  

▪ If your reservation is confirmed but you are not able to attend the lecture, please contact us (kf_lecture@kf.or.kr)
  as soon as possible. Your cooperation in this regard will enable us to accommodate the maximum number of

▪ The attendees will be informed of more details through e-mail on April 21(Thursday).

▪ For additional information, please contact to:
  KF Global Center
  E-mail: kf_lecture@kf.or.kr
  Phone: 02)2151-6551

Thank you!


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