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[Invitation] Sri Lanka: A Treasure Island of Dance and Music by Ravibandhu Vidyapathy

  • Date May 11, 2017

The KF Global Center invites you to attend “Sri Lanka: A Treasure Island of Dance and Music by Ravibandhu Vidyapathy”.

• Concert Date/Time: May 19, 2017 (Friday)/ 8:00 p.m.
• Venue: National Theater of Korea KB Haneul

If you would like to attend this performance, Please visit the Foundation’s website at www.kf.or.kr between May 11 (2 p.m.) and May 15 (6 p.m.). Register by going to the “KF Global Center > KF Global Arts > Performances” and click the “Reservation” button.

Submit your name, contact information, email address, and the number of seats requested. Maximum 2 seats can be reserved per person.

For example:

Concert attendees will be announced on the “Notice” bulletin board section on May 16 (after 3 p.m.). (Reservations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, in general)

-For this performance, children should be of elementary-school age and older, please.
-For additional information, please contact (02) 2151-6520 or e-mail: kfcenter@kf.or.kr.
-For performance events, we can offer only a limited number of seats to general public guests, based on a seat-reservation application system. You are welcome to submit a seat-reservation request provided that you are certain to attend the event. Your cooperation in this regard will enable us to accommodate the maximum number of guests at each performance. (No-shows who do not submit a cancellation of their reserved seats are subject to a denial of seat requests for future events.)



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