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[Confirmation of Attendees] Sri Lanka Film Fest

  • Date Jun 21, 2017

Thank you for your interest in attending the Sri Lanka Film Fest, held at the CGV Myeongdong Station Cine Library from June 23 to 25, 2017.

Confirmed attendees and seat reservations for each film are listed below. Once you arrive at the venue, please collect your tickets at the entrance of the screen. Films are shown at two different screens (“ART 2” and “Teatre 1”) which are on the 10th and 11th floor respectively. Please check which screen your film is shown at in the table below.

-Film festival period: June 23-25, 2017
-Film festival Theater: CGV Myeongdong Station Cine Library (10 Fl. and 11 Fl.)

Schedule of the Film Festival

Schedule of the Film Festival
Date and Time Venue Title of Film
June 23 Friday 20:00-22:00 Teatre1(11Fl.) Singing Pond [* Private Screening]
June 24 Saturday 15:00-17:00 ART2(10Fl.) Dirty, Yellow, Darkness
17:30-19:00 ART2(10Fl.) Red Butterfly Dream
June 25 Sunday 15:00-17:00 Teatre1(11Fl.) For a Son
17:00-19:00 Teatre1(11Fl.) Let Her Cry

* Inquiries: Embassy of Sri Lanka in Seoul (02)735-2966-67 (Ext. 402) srfilmfest@gmail.com


- Upon request, please produce a valid Photo ID for age verification.
- Should you still wish to reserve tickets, please do so only for screenings you are sure to attend, since we can only offer a limited number of seats to the general public. Should you not be able to attend a screening you reserved tickets for, please contact us in advance via email (srfilmfest@gmail.com). Please note that ticket holders failing to attend without prior notice are subject to refusal of admission for future events.
- For detailed information about the venue, please visit the website of CGV Myeongdong Station Cine Library.

Website (Korean only; includes photos): http://www.cgv.co.kr/theaters/?page=location&theaterCode=0105#menu

Google Map:

Confirmed Attendees & Reservations

- Singing Pond
Attendees for the Opening Ceremony & Screening are contacted individually.


Title of Film: Dirty, Yellow, Darkness Title of Film: Red Butterfly Dream
J*hn 6138 2 J*hn 6138 2
Michelle C. 7544 1 구*건 2584 1
San**h 1974 2 김*균 2985 2
구*건 2584 1 김*경 3190 2
김*미 3544 2 김*경 5188 2
김*균 2985 2 김*정 2245 2
김*경 5188 2 김*자 4120 2
김*정 2245 2 김*숙 5006 2
김*숙 5006 2 남*진 9429 2
박*록 1739 2 박*희 8345 1
박*희 8345 1 박*진 0192 2
성*선 6155 2 성*선 6155 2
송*경 0033 1 송*경 0033 1
안*주 7861 2 안*주 7861 2
양*석 3048 2 양*석 3048 2
양*정 2686 1 양*정 2686 1
오*영 4215 2 오*영 8658 2
유*정 5577 2 유*정 5577 2
이*곤 8271 2 이*희 3071 2
이*현 3893 2 이*강 9040 2
이*강 9040 2 이*심 8305 2
이*선 1428 2 이*선 1428 2
이*봉 6044 2 이*열 6265 2
장*아 2836 2 전*린 0539 2
전*린 539 2 전*진 7385 1
전*진 7385 1 조*원 6666 2
조*원 6666 2 하*석 5085 2
최*진 6303 2  
최*숙 0936 2
하*석 5085 2
한*탁 6129 2


Title of Film: For A Son Title of Film: Let Her Cry
Andrea S. 8781 2 HONGWENC**O 0729 1
HONGWENC**O 0729 1 J*hn 6138 2
J*hn 6138 2 San**h 1974 2
San**h 1974 2 WEI J. 0910 1
WEI J. 0910 1 구*건 2584 1
구*건 2584 1 권*란 4979 2
권*란 4979 2 김*균 2985 2
김*균 2985 2 김*경 5188 2
김*경 5188 2 김*선 0927 2
김*하 0109 2 김*숙 5006 2
김*숙 5006 2 나*주 7502 2
나*주 7502 2 남*용 8350 2
남*진 9429 2 남*휘 8350 2
박*주 3172 2 남*진 9429 2
박*혜 4096 2 박*희 8345 1
박*희 8345 1 박*순 8350 2
박*수 4043 1 박*주 1720 2
송*경 0033 1 박*진 0192 2
안*주 7861 2 송*경 0033 1
양*은 7655 2 안*주 7861 2
양*정 2686 1 양*정 2686 1
연*희 4775 2 연*희 4775 2
이*희 0158 2 오*영 8658 1
이*곤 8271 2 이*희 0158 2
이*희 3071 2 이*숙 2754 2
이*강 9040 2 이*강 9040 2
이*심 8305 2 이*선 1428 2
이*선 1428 2 이*열 6265 2
장* 7120 1 이*봉 6044 2
장*아 2836 2 전*린 0539 2
전*린 0539 2 조*원 6666 2
정*영 8817 1 홍*화 2496 2
최*숙 0936 2  


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