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[ACH] Viva ASEAN – ASEAN Cultural Roadshow

  • Date Oct 11, 2019
Viva ASEAN – ASEAN Cultural Roadshow 공연 포스터 큰 이미지

Viva ASEAN – ASEAN Cultural Roadshow

[Application Link]

  • [Application Guide]
    * If capacity is exceeded, the application may be closed early.
    * Successful applicants will be informed individually to confirm their participation in the performance.
    * No free paring is available at the Gwangju, Seoul, Cheongju.
    * Children under the age of seven cannot enter the theater at Geangju
    * All events are free of charge. Cheongju performance is open only to those who have tickets for the Cheongju Craft Bennale.

  • [For Inquiries]
    (T) 02-780-5054 (E) vivaaseankorea@gmail.com


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