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[Notice] The 2009 Korea Foundation Award

  • Date Jun 02, 2009

Dear Friends of Korea Foundation,

The Korea Foundation was established in 1991 to promote awareness and understanding of Korea in the international community and to foster global friendship. The Korea Foundation is fulfilling its mission in playing a leading role in the public diplomacy arena and has been at the forefront of enhancing Korea's "soft power" and reinforcing the value of "Korea's brand power."  We are engaged in a wide range of academic, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges to increase Korea's exposure in the international community and to foster international goodwill towards Korea.

The Korea Foundation Award was first inaugurated in 2008 to honor individuals and organizations that strive to promote awareness and understanding of Korea in the international community. And to this end, this year the Foundation will again recognize scholars of Korean Studies who have contributed to laying the groundwork for developing Korean Studies abroad through their outstanding academic achievements.

The Korea Foundation, by bestowing the Korea Foundation Award, hopes to express its heartfelt appreciation to the individuals and organizations that are dedicated to promoting the importance of Korean Studies as well as Korean culture and through that promote a better understanding of Korea throughout the world in the future.

It is my earnest hope that the Korea Foundation Award may encourage those who have endeavored to promote greater interest in Korea. I would like to call upon all of you to take a particular and continued interest in the Korea Foundation Award and render full support for the Foundation.



Yim Sung-joon


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