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Support for Korean Studies Workshop for Social Studies Educators

  • Date Feb 18, 2013
Support for Korean Studies Workshop for Social Studies Educators
The Korea Foundation provides grant support for the universities and organizations wishing to host a Korean Studies Workshop for Educators in their country. The program aims to provide overseas secondary school educators and educational administrators with the opportunity to acquire useful first-hand experience knowledge and information about Korea, including its history and culture.
■ Eligibility
- Institutions with Korean Studies Department or other related departments.
- Other organizations related to Korean Studies.
■ Workshop Requirements
- Participants should be teachers at a secondary school, school administrators, and textbook publishers overseas    (There should be at least 30 participants at the Workshop)
- Over 70 of participants must be history and social studies teachers at secondary schools so that the participants    can apply what they learned at the Workshop in their classrooms by, for example, developing new teaching    plans or educational material.

- A one to three day Workshop with lectures about history, education, politics, economy, and culture in Korea,    which will be conducted by qualified university professors or the like.
- One or more small workshop or discussion session on the methods for teaching about Korea for the    secondary-level students.
■ Support Details
The costs required to host a workshop, including travel and accommodations expenses for the participants. (Cost-sharing by host institution preferred) ※ Applicant institutions should submit a detailed project budget that evinces the applicant’s willingness to participate in cost-sharing arrangements. After a careful review of the submitted budget, The Korea Foundation will provide partial support for the Workshop expenses.
■ Program Schedule
- Application Submission: March 31, 2013
- Notification: April 15, 2013
- The proposed workshop must be conducted by the end of 2013.
■ Application Procedure
Required s
A completed application form (KF form) that includes the following:
1. Information about the applicant institution
2. Project Description
   - Overview of the applicant institution, including number of staff members, and previous experience with this
     kind of Workshop program.
   - Procedures for the evaluation or selection of 2013 program participants
   - Program Outline
   - Detailed project budget (including unit costs) of the related expenses, including the organization′s willingness to
     participate in cost-sharing arrangements
   - Plans to monitor post-Workshop activities, in particular, how the participants apply their newly-acquired knowledge in the classroom.

Application Submission
   - All s that are submitted as part of the application package must be in English or Korean.
     Please send the application and related s by e-mail at ykbae@kf.or.kr
■ Responsibilities of the Selected Institutions
- Selection of the workshop participants
- Preparation, publicity, implementation of the Workshop
- Development of program materials
- Evaluation and follow-up activities after conclusion of the Workshop
- Workshop Report: Submit a comprehensive report on the results of the Workshop within one month after the    Workshop′s conclusion, including detailed financial statement.
Contact Person Yeon Kyung Bae (Program Officer, Korean Studies Department) E-mail ykbae@kf.or.kr
Telephone 82-2-2046-8606 Fax 82-2-3463-6075
10F Diplomatic Center Building, 2558 Nambusunhwanno, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-863, KOREA


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