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2019 Korea-ASEAN Contents Contest

  • Date Apr 24, 2019

Media Contest 2019

Commemorating ASEAN-Korea's 30th anniversary of Dialogue Partnership, the Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN would like to invite ASEAN friends for 2019 Korea-ASEAN Media Contents Contest! 

   - Who: Any ASEAN national can participate

   - Theme: 30 years of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Partnership

   - Due date: September 16, 2019

   - How 
    ① Upload digital contents to YouTube, Social Networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) or personal website
    ② Submit the content weblink (URL) and application form to nindita@mofa.or.kr (see attachement)

   - Announcement of winners: October, 2019

   - Prizes: 1 Grand Prize (5 days trip to Korea) & Cash Prize (Runners-up)
       * All the other participants will receive souvenirs.

   - Inquiry: kor_asean@mofa.go.kr (+62 21 5793 1830)

The Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN



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