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[Special Feature] Parviz Samiev, at the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat

KF Activities > [Special Feature] Parviz Samiev, at the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat
[Special Feature] Parviz Samiev, at the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat

My name is Parviz Samiev, the Tajikistan Resident Fellow at the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat.
  First of all, before highlighting my activities at the secretariat, I would like to give a brief introduction of my country, the Republic of Tajikistan.
  It is the only Persian-speaking state in Central Asia, and is the smallest state in the region. Tajikistan is located in the foothills of the Pamir, bordering Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in the West and North, China in the east, and Afghanistan in the South. Dushanbe is the national capital, and close to 9 million people call Tajikistan home. The state language is Tajik, while Russian is the language of regional communication.
  In pursuing the common goal of expanding substantive and future-oriented cooperation for mutual prosperity between Korea and Central Asia, the secretariat invited me as well as other representatives of Central Asian countries to serve as Resident Fellows. Here we provide counsel and support for the secretariat in order to contribute to the successful execution of cooperative projects.
  Since the secretariat’s establishment, we have made considerable efforts to strengthen and further develop cooperation between our countries in various fields. We hope that our friendly ties will continue to deepen, leveraging their tremendous potential into an increasing expansion of our cooperation.
  I was given the honor of serving as the first resident fellow from Tajikistan, as well as the first such representative from Central Asia. I have enjoyed the unwavering support of my Korean colleagues. Working together, we have overcome many obstacles and have witnessed the continued growth of the secretariat. As public diplomats, my colleagues are highly qualified specialists with foreign language expertise and considerable experience.
  Each year Tajikistan and Korea see their cultural connections grow ever closer. One example of the commitment of both countries to the development of cultural relations is the opening of the Korea language corner at the National Library of Tajikistan in December 2013.
  Universities throughout the capital and the country as a whole are functioning as centers to promote the Korean language, and the number of citizens showing interest in the Korean language, culture, history, sport, music, and film industry is growing every year. I firmly believe that by working together we will see the blossoming relations between our two countries fully bloom in the years to come.