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To a Faraway Friend: Beyond Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities

 What's On >  To a Faraway Friend: Beyond Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities
To a Faraway Friend: Beyond Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities
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From July 2 through October 2, the exhibition Konnect ASEAN will be held as the second cooperative project between the ASEAN Culture House, operated by the KF, and the ASEAN Foundation. This arts and cultural exchange between Korea and the ASEAN countries is sponsored by the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund.

Jointly designed by three curators hailing from Singapore, the Philippines, and Korea, the exhibition explores how countries in Africa and Southeast Asia sought regional exchange after World War II, amid a rapidly changing international order, and reached out to Korea. On display will be archived materials, including newspaper clippings and s on historical events and videos, installation works, paintings, and other contemporary art pieces by 15 artists from Korea and elsewhere. The exhibition is an opportunity to see regionalism in Southeast Asia afresh from the perspective of geopoetics, a concept that goes beyond conventional notions of geography to see history through the lens of arts and culture.

Period: July 2 to October 2
Venue: Special Exhibition Hall, ASEAN Culture House (1F)