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New KF-Funded Publications

New KF-Funded Publications

Recently, several books have been published as the result of the Foundation's financial assistance for Korea-related research and conferences undertaken by universities and research institutes overseas. Most of the publications that are introduced below are available for purchase through the cited Internet addresses, while in the case of policy briefings, the entire contents can be viewed.

  • Korean Unification and After The Challenge for U.S. Strategy

    - Author: Robert Dujarric
    - Publisher: Hudson Institute
    - 153 x 227 mm, 106 pages
    - ISBN: 1-55813-070-5

    Although the Foundation supported this research project in 1997, its views have proven accurate as well as timely as Korean reunification appears to be rapidly moving ahead since that moment in June when the whole world witnessed the embrace of the two leaders of North and South Korea. With cultural and personnel exchanges between the two Koreas likely to be more active than ever, the issues that have thus far been the subject of scholarly debates, such as the status of U.S. forces on the Korean peninsula after reunification, and what changes are required for both Koreas to ensure a smooth transition to a unified state, are now attracting the general public  attention. In this book, Robert Dujarric, senior research fellow of the Hudson Institute (www.hudson.org), who is also the author of Korea, the Security Pivot in Northeast Asia, provides a comprehensive discussion of various issues relevant to Korea  unification efforts. This policy report would be especially helpful for policymakers and the public alike as the reunification process moves forward.

  • U.S.-Korea-Japan Relations Building Toward a 횠irtual Alliance
    - Author: Ralph A. Cossa, Gong Ro-Myung
    - Publisher: CSIS Press
    - 153 x 228 mm, 210 pages
    - ISBN: 0-89206-358-0

    Another book that deals with the subject of Korean reunification is U.S.-Korea-Japan Relations, published by Pacific Forum-CSIS located in Hawaii. Written by the well-known Korean specialist, the executive director of the PF-CSIS, Ralph Cossa, it includes a foreword by Korea's former minister of foreign affairs, Gong Ro-Myung. In this book, Ralph Cossa compiles the results of the research efforts and conference carried out by PF-CSIS in conjunction with the Okazaki Institute of Japan, and the Yoido Society of Korea on the trilateral relations and prospects for cooperation among the three countries after the reunification of the two Koreas. Based on extensive research and subsequent discussions, the three organizations came to conclude that the maintenance of a healthy U.S.-ROK alliance, which does not exclude Japan, will be the key to stability and peace in the Northeast Asian region after Korean reunification. A more detailed description of this volume is available at the New Publications section of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) homepage (www. csis.org).

  • U.S. Policy Toward North Korea: Next Steps
    - Author: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
    Independent Task Force
    - 137 x 215 mm, 30 pages
    - ISBN: 0-87609-263-6

    With a focus on today  reality and the near-term future, the Council on Foreign Relations (www. cfr.org), among the most influential think tanks on foreign affairs issues in the U.S., d an ad hoc task force team to study and suggest the most viable U.S. policy toward North Korea for both the short term and long term. The fruit of this team's effort is the policy briefing, U.S. Policy Toward North Korea: Next Steps, the entire contents of which are accessible on the CFR's homepage at its Independent Task Force section. The task force members included over 30 leading experts on Northeast Asian security, economics, and nuclear issues, including former ambassadors to the Republic of Korea, former national security advisers and senior businesspersons with extensive experience in the region. This 30-page briefing presents concise yet concrete suggestions on what positions the U.S. administration should consider in regard to the proposed development of TMD, and what terms and conditions the U.S. should demand to move forward from one negotiation step to another.

  • The Shape of Korea's Future South Korean Attitudes Toward Unification and Long-Term Security Issues
    - Author: Norman D. Levin, Han Yong-sup
    - Publisher: RAND
    - 148 x 224 mm, 48 pages
    - ISBN: 0-8330-2759-X

    Unlike other policy reports that research various aspects of a policy and provide suggestions about what should be done next, this report is focused more on providing backup information than offering policy recommendations. It analyzes the results of public opinion polls that RAND (www.rand. org), a leading think tank on the West Coast of the U.S., conducted in 1996 and 1999 together with the JoongAng Ilbo on the South Korean public's perceptions and attitudes toward South Korea's foreign, security, and unification policy. The comparison between the two polls is interesting, if not surprising, in that it shows South Koreans are moving beyond both the historical and Cold War legacies in their thinking about Korea's long-time security concerns. These changes include a significantly reduced South Korean anxiety toward security issues, heightened confidence about Korea's place in the regional and global orders, greater reservations about reunification, markedly altered and more positive attitudes toward Japan, and heightened uncertainty about the long-term value of the U.S. regional military presence.

  • Avoiding the ApocalypseThe Future of the Two Koreas
    - Author: Marcus Noland
    - Publisher: Institute for International Economics
    - 152 x 228 mm, 431 pages
    - ISBN: 0-88132-278-4

    Focusing more on economic aspects, Marcus Noland, senior fellow and Korean specialist of the Institute for International Economics (www.iie. com), wrote this most comprehensive book to date on the subject of the economics of Korean reunification. In analyzing the current situation of the two Koreas, he addresses such critical factors as the nuclear confrontation between the United States and North Korea, the North Korean famine, and South Korea's recovery from its financial crisis. And then he moves on to explore the future of the peninsula under three alternative scenarios: successful reform in North Korea, collapse and absorption (as happened in Germany), and muddling through in which North Korea, supported by foreign powers, makes ad hoc, regime-preserving reforms that fall short of fundamental transformation.

  • Korea  Globalization
    - Author: Samuel S. Kim
    - Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press
    - 152 x 226 mm, 306 pages
    - ISBN: 0-521-77559-0

    This book features illustrative case studies designed to explain how globalization works as well as its positive and negative consequences for the Korean state and society. Edited by Samuel S. Kim, assocate director of the Center for Korean Research of Columbia University, who is also the author or editor of numerous books on East Asian international relations, this volume presents a comprehensive analysis of Korea  globalization process and its ramifications for all aspects of Korean society. In particular, the potential and consequences as well as the myth and reality of Korea  globalization drive are critically assessed, including discussion of the effects of globalization on business conglomerates, workers and labor unions, women, and foreign workers. More broadly, it examines how Korea, as a newly industrialized and newly democratized country, is coping with the twin challenges of democratic consolidation from below and within, in addition to globalization from above and outside.

  • Korea Briefing 1997-1999 Challenges and Change at the Turn of the Century
    - Author: Oh Gong-dan
    - Publisher: M. E. Sharpe
    - 152 x 227 mm, 243 pages
    - ISBN: 0-7656-0611-9

    Korea Briefing 1997-1999 has been published as a part of the Asia Society  successful Country Briefing Series. Following up on the previous Korea Briefing 1993-1996: Toward Reunification, this is an excellent reference resource that contains a comprehensive yet diverse discussion of contemporary affairs in Korea in terms of its politics, economics, and culture. While mainly focusing on the Kim Dae-jung era that was inaugurated in 1997 amidst Korea  worst economic crisis, the essays by prominent scholars in this volume examine persistent problems and new opportunities that Korea faces today. Both editions of the Korea Briefing Series are introduced at M. E. Sharpe  homepage (www. mesharpe.com) under the subject word, Korea along with other books on Korea that M. E. Sharpe has published thus far.