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Korea Foundation Activities Digest

Publication Subsidy Program
"Tune in Korea" published
"Korean Art Collection" by Museum Guimet
Musical "The Last Empress"
Iranian Cultural Troupe performs in Seoul
EHESS Rector visits Korea

Young leaders from Central and South America
Support for International Conferences
Fellowship Program
Website on Korean studies in Germany
Support for Korean Studies Activities and Research Institutes

Publication Subsidy Program

Since 1999 the Foundation has provided assistance to overseas publishers for the publication of Korea-related books. Reference materials and books recently published under this program include the following:

Perspectives on Korean Dances
·Judy Van Zile
·Published by Wesleyan University Press (Middletown, CT, U.S.A.)
·English / Published in December 2001 / 180×255(mm) /334Pages
·ISBN: 0-8195-6493-1

Introduction to Korean Studies
·Chen Ning Ning , Liu De Hai
·Published by Chinese Culture University Press (Taipei, Taiwan)
·Chinese / Published in December 2001 / 155×240(mm) / 400pages
·ISBN: 957-0340-51-7

The World of Baekje: King Munyeong Seen through Inscription
·Soh Jin-Chull
·Sairyusha Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan)
·Japanese / Published in December 2001/150×215(mm) / 210pages
·ISBN: 4-88202-723-2

Korean Linguistics and Grammar
·Edited by Wang Jiun
·Published by The Buffalo Co. (Taipei, Taiwan)
·Chinese / Published in October 2001 / 187×256(mm) / 360pages
·ISBN: 957-599-690-9

Tune in Korea published for Korean students

The New York-based Asia Society recently produced and released a two- volume video and teaching package entitled 'Tune in Korea' with the support of the Foundation. The package was prepared for secondary school students and beginning college students. The theme of the first video is 'Geography and Society' and focuses on Korea's history, language, family life, customs, education, and belief systems as well as its place in the world. The second volume, 'Legacy and Transformation' explores the many facets of South Korea's history and culture by investigating such questions as: What is South Korea's place in the world today? Which historical events led to the division of the Korean Peninsula? How are North and South Korea poised for the future together? In addition, an extensive teacher's guide that includes lesson plans, annotated excerpts from the script, bibliographies and reference materials accompany the video.

"Korean Art Collection" by Museum Guimet

The Foundation has distributed the catalogue of the Korean Art at Museum Guimet (L'Art coreen au musee Guimet) to 165 major museums and art galleries all over the world. This volume of Korean arts on display at the French national Museum Guimet was published in 2001 with the financial support of the Foundation for the ive of publicizing Ko-rean arts to the world. Written by Korean art curator Pierre Cambon of the Asian Art Museum, the book is both in English and French. Its introduction is written in Korean as well.

Musical "The Last Empress" staged in London

The Foundation provided the support for The Last Emperess that was performed in London from Feb. 1 through Feb. 16, 2002. This operatic musical, staged at Londons Apollo Hammersmith Theater, was rewritten in English. Six songs were added to the musical for the international audience.

Iranian Cultural Troupe performs in Seoul

With the support of the Foundation, the Iranian Cultural Troupe performed traditional music of southern Iran (formerly Persia) in Korea, including a performance on February 7 at Woomyeon Hall, National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Exhibitions of Iranian tourism photography and Iranian traditional paintings were held on February 4-8 at Exhibition Hall, National Library.

EHESS Rector visits Korea

Jacques Revel, rector of France's Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), visited Korea February 17-23, 2002 by invitation of the Foundation. He visited Korea University, the Academy of Korean Studies, Yeungnam University, and the National Museum of Korea, and explored ways to promote cultural and academic exchange between the two countries. EHESS has operated a Korean studies center since 1989. In 1995, EHESS d two professorships for Korean studies, reaffirming its status as France's leading Korean studies center.

Young leaders from Central and South America invited

A group of five young leaders from Central and South America visited Korea Dec. 10-16, 2001, at the invitation of the Foundation. These next-generation leaders came from Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Brazil, and had discussions with Korean experts in the related fields and visited major cultural sites and industrial facilities during their one-week stay.

Support for International Conferences

The Foundation recently provided financial support for three international conferences. They were "Building on an East Asian Community: Conditions and Prospects" sponsored by Korea University's Asia Center; "the 9th International Conference on the History Textbooks between Korea and Japan" jointly sponsored by the Association for International History Textbooks Studies and a Japanese society on history education; and "East Asian Cultural Communication and Co-existence under Neo-Liberalism" co-sponsored by Korea Social & Cultural Research Institute of SungKongHoe University and the Forum for East Asian Cultural Exchange. The Korea Foundation also supported 12 Korean scholars who participated in various international conferences held in the United States, Australia and other countries.

Fellowship Program

Under its graduate scholarship program, the Foundation granted scholarships to five European graduate students specializing in Korean studies― two each at London University and Oxford University and one at University of Paris 7. In addition, the scholarships were awarded to 19 students majoring in Korean studies at Peking University, 17 at Fudan University, three at Bochum University and one at the University of Erfurt this year. Five scholars from four countries were involved in advanced Korean studies in Korea with the financial support of the Foundation as of the end of January. Forty people from 22 countries participated in the Korean language training under the Korean Language Fellowship program. Most of them are Korean language lecturers, or scholars and graduate students engaged in advanced Korean studies.

Website on Korea studies in Germany

With the Foundation's support, a virtual gateway to all German academic institutions dealing with modern Korea has been established on the World Wide Web by Rudiger Frank of Humboldt-University Berlin. The gateway can be found at http://www. koreanstudies.de/ and provides access to Korea-related teaching, research and publication activities of German universities and academic organizations. Although the website can be viewed in both German and English, the English version is currently being upgraded.

Support for Korean Studies Activities and Research Institutes Overseas

Country Organization Program
Canada University of Montreal Establishment of Korean studies professorship / lecturesship
University of British Columbia Establishment of Korean language professorship
Australia Australian National University Establishment of Korean studies professorship
Mexico El Colegio de Mexico Korean-related lectures
Italy Ca'Foscari University of Venice Invitation of Visiting Professors
Spain Spanish Center on Korea Research Korea-related conferences
Hungary Lorand Eotvos University Korean-related lectures and Programs
Bulgaria Sofia University Korean-related lectures and programs
Poland Warsaw University Korena-related lectures
Ukraine Unversity of Kyiv Invitation of visiting professors
Kazakstan University of Almaty Operation of Research Center for Korean Studies
U.S.A. University of Iowa Establishing fund for Korean studies
International Council on Korean Studies Korea-related conferences and publishing
Belgium Catholic University of Leuven Korea-related lectures
Austria University of Wien Korea-related lectures
U.K. University of Oxford Korea-related lectures
Germany University of Tuebingen Invitation of Korean language visiting professors
Israel The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Korea-related lectures