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Korea Foundation Activities (June-August 2002)

Support for Korean Studies Activities and Research Institute Overseas

The Foundation supports various activities such as Korea-related research, conferences and the publication of research institutes and international exchange organizations overseas in order to contribute to the enhancement of mutual understanding and friendship between Korea and foreign countries.

U.S.A. George Washington University Establishment of Korean studies professorship
Harvard University Establishment of Korean studies professorship with the fund from SBS Foundation
State University of New York at Albany Establishment of Korean studies professorship
Nautilus Institute Korea-related research project
UC Berkeley Operation of Korean studies program
Duke University Invitation of visiting professor
American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK) Annual conference and workshop
Guatemala University of San Carlos Korea-related academic seminar
Taiwan Chinese Association for Korean Studies Korea-related academic seminar
Philippines University of the Philippines Korea-related conference
Malaysia University of Malaya Invitation of visiting Professor
Thailand Thammasat University Korean studies workshop
India Jawaharlal Nehru University Invitation of visiting professor
University of Delhi Invitation of visiting professor

"King Uru" Performed in Japan

Musical "King Uru" was performed at Osaka's International Exchange Hall between June 21 and June 22 with the financial support of the Korean Foundation. This musical, which was produced by the National Theater of Korea based on a script written by Kim Myong-gon, won acclaim during the Colombian "Ibero-American Theatre Festival" in March and the Israeli "Jerusalem Festival" in May. The musical features the youngest daughter, Bari, who overcomes endless adversity in order to obtain "heavenly water" to cure her father (King Uru) who became insane after being betrayed by his two daughters.

"Birds on the Board"

In celebration of the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan and the Year of Korea-Japan National Exchange, the Foundation helped finance the performance of "Birds on the Board," a musical staged in major cities of Korea and Japan between May 31 and June 23. Based on Shakespeare's Hamlet, the musical was choreographed by Hiroshi Koike of the Pappa Tarahumara. The images and music of the musical were produced by Korean video artist Kim Young-jin and composer Kim Tae-gun, respectively. Dancers from both countries also performed.

ASSITEJ World Congress & Symposium in Seoul

An international symposium, "Tradinology (Tradition+Technology)" was held at Sungkyunkwan University with the support of the Foundation as part of the ASSITEJ World Congress in Seoul. The International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People also sponsored a children's drama festival between July 20-July 28 in celebration of its Seoul Congress. About 30 children's plays produced in Korea and foreign countries were staged at Seoul's 14 theaters during the period.

International Sejong Soloists Participates in "Aspen Music Festival and School"

From July 27 through Aug. 13, the International Sejong Soloists participated in the "Aspen Music Festival and School" at Harris Concert Hall with the support of the Foundation. The orchestra presented works of Earl Kim, a composer of Korean ancestry, and Brandenburg concerto No. 6.

"Encounter" Staged in Korea and Japan

"Encounter: a Bridge and the Wind Cross the Sea" was performed at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts jointly by Korea's theatrical troupe Sadari and Kazenoko Kyushu of Japan, from July 20 through August 22 with the support of the Korea Foundation. "Encounter," which is based on the "Wolf Woods, Basket Woods and Thief Woods," a fairy tale produced by Kenji Miyazawa, features a story in which people live in harmony and reconciliation after overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers.

Danish Think Tank Director Visits

The Foundation invited Per Carlson, director of the Danish Institute of International Affairs, to visit Korea from Aug. 4 through Aug. 10. Per Carlson visited the Sejong Institute, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, and other organizations, and held discussions with their staff about such topics as "EU and NATO expansion and regional cooperation." He said his institute would seek to bolster research activities on Korea and other Asian countries in connection with the fourth ASEM summit meeting in Denmark in September. He also expressed the hope that research institutes of both Korea and Denmark will take action to expand exchanges.

Next-generation Leaders from Vietnam

A group of 15 Vietnamese next-generation leaders visited Korea from Aug. 22 through Aug. 29 at the invitation of the Foundation. This group, which was made up of future leaders from various fields of Vietnam, including teachers and government officials, is expected to contribute to building constructive future relations between Korea and Vietnam. This project has been undertaken every year since 1997 as part of the Samsung-Vietnam Academic Exchange Program.

Support for International Seminars

In an effort to broaden Korean studies activities overseas and to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, the Foundation provides sponsorship assistance for relevant international conferences organized by domestic research institutes and organizations. The results of this program from June to August are listed below.

International Conference on Women in Chinese History The Society for Chinese Historical Researches June 6 - 11 Dong-eui University
The 8th International Seminar on the Geographical Name of 'East Sea' The society for East Sea July 24 - 26 Vladivostok, Russia
The International Conference on the Historical Text between Korea and Japan The Association for International History Books Studies of Korea July 26 - 28 University of Seoul
2002 International Conference on Korean Linguistics The Association for Korean Linguistics Aug. 1 - 3 Seoul National University
The 12th International Conference of IAKLE International Association for Korean Language Education Aug. 10 - 11 Kyung Hee Universityv
2002 Seoul International Conference for History The Korean Historical Association Aug. 15 - 18 Seoul National University
International Consultation on Democracy, Human rights & Peace North-East Asia Peace Institute Aug. 19 - 23 Seoul Lotte Hotel
Korea and China in the New Global System: In Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of The Association of International Studies The Korean Association of International Studies Aug. 23 - 24 Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security

Overseas International Events

The Foundation also provided grants to Korean delegations who participated in the Eighth World Women's Congress held in Kampala, Uganda, from July 21 through July 26, and the Forum for East Asian Economic Cooperation held at Japan's University of Tsukuba June 17-19. In addition, Korean scholars took part in four more international events with the support of the Foundation. The Korean scholars and professionals involved in these international events stood at about 20.

Scholarships for 10 Japanese Graduate Students

The Foundation provided scholarships to 10 Japanese graduate students who specialize in Korean studies-five from Tokyo University, three from Keio University and two from Waseda University, as part of its scholarship program devoted to fostering Korean studies scholars. In addition, scholarships were extended to 18 students from North America and nine students from South and West Europe. Twenty-three scholars and professionals from eight countries were in Korea for Korean studies under the Foundation's Fellowship Program as of Aug. 30. The Foundation also provided grants to 52 college instructors, scholars and graduate students to finance their Korean language trainings in Korea.