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Korea Foundation Activities (May - August 2004)

Support for Korean Studies Programs and Research Institute Overseas

To promote Korean Studies and Korea-related academic abroad, the Foundation provides support to overseas universities, academic associations, research institutes and international exchange organizations for such things as research, conferences and publication.

East West Center : Institute for Korean Culture & Society (Korean Studies workshop for professors at US universities)
Columbia University : Korean Studies programs offered by the Center for Korean Research
UCLA : Endowment of Korean Studies programs at the Center for Korean Studies
Asia Society : Publication of Korea Briefing and international conference

University of Sheffield : Workshop on Korean postage stamps
IISS : Programs on Korean security

Ruhr-University Bochum: Korean Stdies workshop and European Studies graduate students' convention

Nordic Association for Japanese and Korean Studies: Symposium on Northern European Research in Korean and Japanese Studies

Sofia University: Jubilee Conference dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Korean Studies programs in Bulgaria

Ussuriisk State Teachers' Training Institute: Development of 'Syllabus and Course Series for Korean as a Second Language at secondary schools in Russia
Muravei Publishing House: Pulbication of Almanac, Korean Studies in Russia

TRashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami: Central Asian Conference of Lectures on Korean Language and Literature

Fudan University: Publication of Korean Studies papers and special lecture series
Zhejiang University: Korean Studies seminar, research and publication
Nanjing University: Korean Studies seminar, research and visiting professor program
Yanbian University: Korean Studies conference and publication
Shandong University: Visiting professor program

Chinese Association for Korean Studies: Annual conference and symposium on Sino-Korean relations

Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences: Korean Studies workshop for secondary school teachers

University of Malaya: Visiting professor program

Thammasat University: Visiting professor program
Prince of Sonkla University: Visiting professor program

University of the Phillippines Dilman: Visiting professor program

Jawaharlal Nehru University: Visiting professor program
University of Delhi: Visiting professor program

Cairo University: Research, conference and publication on Korean public policies

International Circle of Korean Linguistics: Fourteenth international conference on Korean linguistics

Invitation Program (name/date/position)

Jacob Kovalio / May 21-28 / Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Wu Zhen Biao / June 1-8 / Editor-in-Chief, The Wen Hui Bao, Shanghai, China
Maxim Minchev / June 9-16 / Director General, Bulgarian News Agency
Vu Xuan Hong / June 21-26 / President, Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, Vietnam
Francisco Herranz / June 21-27 / Foreign News Editor, El-Mundo, Spain
Mohammad Akbar Popal / June 21-27 / Chancellor, Kabul University, Afganistan
Hu Jing Ying / July 6-10 / President, Videoland TV Network, Taiwan

Support for Participation in Overseas Events

The Foundation provided support to Professor Jeong Yeong-tae of Inha University and five other scholars for their participation in a conference on 'Regional Regime Dynamics in Europe and East-Asia: French and Korean perspectives' held at the University of Le Havre in France from May 17 to May 19.

Support for International Conferences

The Foundation supported three international conferences including a conference on 'Democracy in Asia and the World: Toward a Universal Defintion?' held by the Korean Association of International Studies at the Tower Hotel in Seoul on June 3 and 4.

Sixteenth Korean Studies Workshop

The Foundation and the Graduate School of International Studies of Korea University co-hosted the Sixteenth Korean Studies Workshop for Educators from English-speaking countries for two weeks from June 22 to July 7. The workshop provided thirty-eight secondary school teachers and textbook writers from the United States, Australia and New Zealand with the opportunity to participate in seminars on Korea's history, culture, politics, and economy. They also learned about teaching Korean high school students and took a trip to see cultural sites and to learn more about Korea.

CIS Next Generation Leaders Invited

The Foundation invited government officials and diplomats from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) under its invitation program of next generation leaders. The invitees from six countries, including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Georgia, met with Korean leaders and visited cultural and historic sites as part of an effort to build a network for future exchanges and to enhance their understanding of Korea. They stayed for one week from May 24 to 30.

2nd Future Leaders Forum: Korea-China-Japan

The Foundation organized the Second Future Leaders Forum: Korea-China-Japan jointly with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations and the Japan Foundation. The forum was held in Seoul, Beijing and Fukuoka from July 26 through August 6 with fourteen next generation leaders in the fields of politics, government, business, academia and journalism in attendance. The participants discussed pressing issues and matters of common concern in the Northeast Asian region under the theme of 'Trilateral Cooperation: Toward Building a Northeast Asian Regional Community.'

Korean Culture Program for Foreign Residents in Korea

'Korean Folk and Modern Sounds,' having enjoyed a successful tour of Zimbabwe and Turkey under the sponsorship of the Foundation from April 26 to May 7, performed twice for foreign residents in Korea. The performance was composed of samulnori, haegeum sanjo, pansori, free jazz and sinawi. The first concert was held in front of the Sungjeongjeon at Gyeonghuigung Palace in Seoul on June 4, with about 450 foreign diplomats, business people, teachers and tourists coming to the concert to experience Korean traditional and Western music at its best. The second performance was staged in a concert hall at the Osan Air Base compound for an audience of some 300 Korean and U.S. soldiers.

Support for Participation in International Choral Festival in Taiwan

With the Foundation's support, the Incheon City Chorale participated in the fifth Taipei International Choral Festival held in Taiwan. It was a chance to introduce Korean choral music to the world and network with about twenty choirs from eight different countries.

World Ballet Stars' Performance and Workshop

The Foundation provided support for the 'World Ballet Star Gala Performance' (Opera House, Seoul Arts Center, August 7-8) and the 'Ballet Workshop' (Korean National University of Arts, August 6-8), organized by the World Dance Center and The Dong-A Ilbo. A total of fourteen top-level ballet dancers from the American Ballet Theater, Royal Ballet, Kirov Ballet, New York City Ballet, Dutch National Ballet, National Ballet of Cuba and Beijing Ballet staged a gala performance of classical and modern ballet masterpieces. An open workshop was also offered for advanced ballet students. Three Artistic Directors from world famous ballet theaters facilitated this event.

Fellowships for Field Research and Korean Language Training

As of August, thirty scholars from fifteen countries conducted research in Korea under the Foundation's Fellowship for Field Research, while sixty-six Korean language instructors, scholars and graduate students from thirty countries participated in Korean language programs in Korea under the Foundation's Fellowship for Korean Language Training.