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Invitation Program for Distinguished Individuals Overseas

When I started working on the Invitation Program for Distinguished Individuals Overseas in March 2005, I knew that the work would be demanding based on what I heard from others and from my own instincts, but with the support from the director of the department, who has much experience, and my colleagues as well, I started to work with a sense of mission.
Under the Invitation Program for Distinguished Individuals Overseas, the Foundation invites distinguished individuals and experts from abroad to visit Korea in order to broaden their understanding of Korea and its people and to promote friendly relations and strengthen cooperative ties. The program guests, who are selected based on the recommendations of Korean diplomatic missions abroad, are provided with an opportunity to share their views and knowledge through visits to relevant Korean organizations and lecture presentations, as well as to gain firsthand experience of Korea's history and culture, in an effort to contribute to the promotion of international cooperation and exchanges.
The first distinguished individual that I met through the Invitation Program was the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Serbia-Montenegro. My predecessor was responsible for this visit, so I provided back-up assistance, as needed.
The first Invitation Program project that I coordinated entirely on my own was the visit by the Secretary-General of the International Friendship Society of Sudan. During his stay, I arranged for a meeting with the President of the Korea-Arab Friendship Society, an interview with KBS international radio Arabic services, and a lecture in Arabic at the Hanguk University of Foreign Studies, in addition to visits to Gyeongbok Palace and Gyeongju.
The next visitor was the President of the National University of Austria in Vienna, for whom I arranged meetings with the Vice President of Korea University and the President of Seoul National University, participation in the ceremony celebrating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Korea University, and a meeting with the Presidential Committee on Education Innovation. In addition, there were visits to the Seoul Museum of History, Korean Folk Village, and Leeum Museum.
There are numerous details to attend to for each project. Of course, meticulous attention to details is required for all kinds of work, but it is all the more so important with the Invitation Program. From the special dietary needs of guests to arranging for a qualified translator and experienced driver, and a well-organized schedule, which includes meaningful meetings and sightseeing, everything requires perfection so as to not inconvenience our visitors.
Fortunately, all of the Invitation Program visits that I have overseen have proceeded smoothly without any major hiccups. In this regard, I am thankful for the kindness and understanding of our program guests, who were willing to overlook my minor miscues.
When the Foundation receives thank-you letters from the Invitation Program visitors after their return home, I am pleased to have contributed, in a small way, to international exchanges. As such, I will strive to do my utmost to assure that our Invitation Program visitors can enjoy the most fruitful and rewarding stay possible in Korea.