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Korea Foundation Cultural Center in Full Operation

The Korea Foundation Cultural Center, the first permanent space of its kind in Korea designed to facilitate intercultural exchange, is now fully operational. The Center, for which facility renovation was completed in late June, initiated selective operations in July, including the availability of seminar rooms and library services, along with the showing of videos.
    In August, the Center held its first exhibition, the 2005 World Children's Book Festival, co-organized by the Australian Embassy and the Canadian Embassy in Seoul (August 2-13). Held before the end of the summer vacation, this event attracted some 5,000 children and parents who enjoyed the related activities and events. This was followed by photo exhibitions "Beginnings of Contemporary Mexico" by the Mexican Embassy and "Centennial Photo Exhibition" by the Overseas Korean Foundation and Dankook University, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Korean immigration to Mexico (August 17-27).
    The Center held an official opening ceremony on September 1. With the attendance of about 160 guests, including officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, along with foreign ambassadors and the staff of cultural centers, the ceremony began with Foundation President Kwon In Hyuk's opening address and Minister of Foreian Affairs and Trade Ban Ki-moon's congratulatory remarks. This was followed by an overview of the center's mission and programs, and a live musical performance.

Foundation Executive Vice President Kim Seung-eui, curator Maria Vassileva, and other visitors at the opening ceremony of the "Bulgaria - Distant and Close: Contemporary Bulgarian Painters" exhibition, held at the KF Cultural Center on September 21.

    The Center hosted various events to celebrate the "Vietnam Cultural Week," (September 5-12) jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Foundation, in accordance with a cultural agreement signed by the governments of Korea and Vietnam. The opening ceremony was attended by Korea's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Yu Myung-hwan and Vietnam's Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Do Quy Doan, Korean Broadcasting Commission`s Executive Commissioner Park Joon-young, and other dignitaries. The Vietnam Cultural Week featured a fashion show of ao dai costumes, and exhibitions of Vietnam's traditional costumes, handicrafts, and calligraphy presented at the Center's exhibition rooms. Vietnamese folk performances were also staged at the Seoul Open Theater Changdong, Chongdong Theater, and Harmony Theater.

Over 5,000 people attended the "2005 World Children's Book Exhibition" held at the KF Cultural Center, co-organized by the Canadian and Australian embassies in Seoul (August 2-13).

    Other exhibitions staged by foreign embassies in Seoul at the Center from late September to October included "Bulgarian Contemporary Painting,"(September 21-October 1) "Serbia: Land and People,"(October 4-22) and "Czech Comics and Arts."(October 5-13)
    The Center also offers free showings of selected videos on every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Small-scale film screenings by foreign embassies in Seoul are also presented at the Center's cinema room to show movies that are not readily available to audiences in Korea. Recent film events featured Thai (September 9-16) and Colombian (October 22-27) movies.
    In addition to art exhibitions, free Korean language classes for foreigners are provided by Korea Foundation volunteers at the Center on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Launched with six classes three months ago, a total of ten classes are now conducted due to strong demand from not only Foundation Fellows but also foreign students and employees of foreign businesses and embassies.
    The Center's seminar rooms are available for organizations involved with international exchange activities. Various organizations that have or will hold meetings and events at the Center's seminar rooms include the Brazil-Korea Association, Europe-Korea Foundation, Seoul International Women's Association, Korean Literature Translation Institute, Korean National Commission for UNESCO, and International Dance Council.
    To fulfill its mission, the Korea Foundation Cultural Center is prepared to host a variety of exhibitions, lectures, and seminars, and make itself known to the public as an "open space for international cultural exchange," along with attracting more organizations and individuals to the center as participants and visitors.

President Kwon In Hyuk welcomes invited guests at the opening ceremony of the Korea Foundation Cultural Center on September 1, 2005.