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[Interview] Park Chunwoo, Trainee and Heir of the Myeongin Andong Soju Master

 People >  Park Chunwoo, Trainee and Heir of the Myeongin Andong Soju Master
Park Chunwoo, Trainee and Heir of the Myeongin Andong Soju Master


1. Please briefly introduce yourself.

I am a grandson of Park Jae-seo, Korean Food Grand Master No. 6. Together, we run a three-generation family business distilling soju. My grandfather began to make Andong Soju long before I was born. My dream for the future changed several times until I finally decided to joined the family business and entered Konkuk University, majoring in applied biochemistry. After graduation, I gathered some work experience before joining my family’s company, Myeongin Andong Soju, in 2016. Currently, I work as trainee of the Myeongin Andong Soju Master and as the company’s general marketing manager. In addition, I have been continuing my study of food fermentation in a master’s course at Kyungpook National University. While my grandfather does his best to pass on his traditional methods, my father uses his experience to manage the company and I support the family business through research and development.

2. Andong Soju boasts a 500-year-long history and tradition. What are the liquor’s particular characteristics? Is there a difference between distilling Andong Soju and other such spirits?

Myeongin Andong Soju is made in accordance with my family’s secret recipe, using high-quality water and rice indigenous to the Andong region in a three-stage fermentation process called samdansaipbeop. The drink’s characteristic flavor is a result of the harmony and delicate aromas of rice and nuruk, a traditional Korean fermentation starter. By introducing modern technology, we have replaced atmospheric distillation with the decompressing method; this removes any burnt odors and leaves behind an excellent concentrate that truly highlights the rice flavor. We do our best to produce high-quality liquor by investing considerable time and effort and stubbornly keeping to the method of fermenting the ingredients for more than a year.

3. Public interest in traditional Korean liquor is increasing, particularly among those in their 20s and 30s. Do you make any special efforts to promote your family’s time-honored alcoholic drink?

We do a lot of online marketing and develop new products. We communicate with younger people through our social media channels and website. [Unlike other alcoholic drinks,] traditional Korean alcohols can be legally purchased online in Korea. We take advantage of this convenient system by expanding our online shops and using the NAVER Shopping Mall and KakaoTalk Gifts platforms. We have put out Andong Soju with rebranded labels and packaging free of the usual images of traditional ceramics and Chinese characters. Following the canned cocktail trend, we also plan to distribute Andong Soju highballs by adopting the recipe of the cocktail that has enjoyed a lot of popularity recently.

4. Earlier this year, an Andong Soju tasting event was held in Scotland, the home of whisky. How did this plan come about?

In January, the Andong Soju Association was founded with the aim of globalizing the spirit. In February, the association and the provincial government of North Gyeongsang Province sent a delegation to the home of the world-famous Scotch whisky to promote Andong Soju as Korea’s national liquor. Our intention was to learn how whisky was globalized and to introduce Andong Soju to the people of Scotland.

5. How did Scottish people respond to the Korean liquor’s flavor?

They seemed to find it rather unfamiliar, but after tasting it, they made such remarks as “So that’s how Korean liquor tastes!” and “Lovely fragrance!” As many were familiar with distilled drinks, they welcomed our products and their comments were overall positive. It appears that the successful globalization of Andong Soju might not be as far off as we originally thought. During the tasting session, we were asked numerous times if it could be imported and sold in the United Kingdom. Also present at the event were many K-pop fans and people interested in Korean pop culture who attended out of curiosity. After tasting it, a considerable number of them wanted to buy Andong Soju.

6. What needs to be done to make Andong Soju on par with world-class spirits?

It is important that producers of Andong Soju secure sustainable technologies and products with a consistent flavor by standardizing their quality and manufacturing process. It is also important that the Korean public recognizes and learns more about traditional liquor. It would be more than desirable for the nation to name an indigenous liquor as the national spirit and let that lead the global promotion of Korean alcoholic drinks. With the Korean Wave taking the world by storm, now is the perfect opportunity to attempt putting our liquor on an equal footing with world-famous spirits.

7. Please tell us about your future plans and hopes as Myeongin Andong Soju trainee and heir.

While producing Andong Soju that delivers indigenous Korean flavors and aromas to people around the world, we are making steady research and development efforts to a “whisky-type” Andong Soju fermented in oak barrels. We are also preparing projects that pair Andong Soju with Korean dishes, much like the combinations of fried chicken and beer or pajeon (Korean scallion pancake) and makgeolli (rice wine). As an Andong Soju trainee, I will make efforts to continue and promote my family’s tradition. With the spirit of an artisan, I will strive to be a deserving heir of my family’s business by producing quality liquor. Then, someday, people all over the world might come to appreciate the flavor of Andong Soju.


Park Chunwoo at an Andong Soju tasting event in the United States

Master Park Jae-seo (center); his son Park Chan-gwan (left), current president of Myeongin Andong Soju; and Park Chunwoo (right).