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Foundation Activities in 2007

▣ Intellectual Exchange Department

The Foundation hosts and supports the organization of international forums with Korea's partner countries to exchange ideas, enhance understanding and promote more cooperative relations. The forums serve as an instrumental dialogue channel at the non-governmental level and provide a valuable opportunity for the development of personal networks among country leaders.

Invitation Program

The Foundation invites distinguished individuals and specialists from the academic, political, media and cultural sectors to Korea so that they can gain firsthand knowledge about Korean society, culture, and history. In addition, these guests are able to share their expertise through visits to relevant organizations and meeting their Korean counterparts. In 2007, about 50 such guests will be invited to Korea under this program.

Invitation of Next-Generation Leaders

Under the "Next-Generation Leaders Program," young leaders from various countries and regions visit Korea to foster personal relationships among the world's future leaders and their Korean counterparts. In 2007, the Foundation will continue to host the "Future Leaders'Forum: Korea-China-Japan" and other Next-Generation Leaders Programs. In addition, the Foundation plans to launch similar bilateral programs with Australia, the U.S., and China.

▣ Culture and Arts Department

Support for Overseas Museums

The Foundation extends support to overseas museums to assist with their establishment of permanent Korean galleries and exhibition areas for the display of Korea-related art works and cultural artifacts.

As a result of these efforts, the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, and the National Columbus Memorial Museum of the Dominican Republic will be opening new Korean galleries in 2007. Also, the Foundation plans to extend financial assistance to the University of Michigan Museum for its Korean gallery, and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg for its establishment of a Korean exhibition area. The Foundation is also sponsoring exhibitions of Korean art that will be shown at the National Gallery of Prague, and the Museum of Asian Art of Greece. And the 9th Workshop for Korean Art Curators will be undertaken in 2007.

Performances and Exhibitions

The Foundation organizes and sponsors a wide variety of cultural and artistic events in an effort to enhance awareness of Korean culture worldwide. The Foundation also promotes exchange activities between domestic and international arts groups.

In 2007, the Foundation will support Korean art performances and exhibitions in China and Turkey, to mark the 15th and 50th anniversary of Korea's diplomatic relations with these countries, respectively. Assistance is also being extended for Korea's participation as guest country at ARCO 2007, an international festival of contemporary art in Spain. In addition, the Foundation plans to dispatch tour performances and exhibitions of contemporary Korean arts to countries with relatively limited exposure to Korean culture thus far. Support is also provided for artist-exchange programs and participation of Korean artists in international art festivals.

▣ Korea Foundation Cultural Center

In 2006, the second year of its operation, the Korea Foundation Cultural Center has seen rapid development of its programs and activities, which included the hosting of 12 exhibitions, as well as live performances numerous seminars and lectures, and film screenings.

In 2007, the center plans to offer programs that are designed to help visitors enhance their understanding of various cultures. For this, the center will offer three lecture series on foreign cultures, and provide regular programs for foreigners residing in Korea to experience diverse aspects of Korean culture. The center will also stage a variety of cultural performances and host a number of art exhibitions related to countries from around the world. In addition, a wide range of films will be shown at its Cinema Room, including theme festivals and special foreign films that are not ordinarily seen in Korea. Meanwhile, the center's library will continue to expand its collection of multimedia content. With the implementation of its programs and activities in 2007, the Korea Foundation Cultural Center will continue to serve as a bridge for linking together world cultures and a venue for facilitating multicultural interaction.

▣ Korean Studies Department

White Paper on Korean Studies

In January 2007, the Foundation published its White Paper on Korean Studies, a comprehensive report on the status of Korean Studies programs at institutions abroad. This white paper was the result of a one-year effort of compiling and editing the results of an extensive survey on the current status of overseas Korean Studies programs. The report includes 32 papers on the Korean Studies activities in about 29 countries in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, as well as detailed information on 632 institutions of higher learning in 55 countries that offer Korean Studies and language courses. In 2007, the Foundation will distribute this report to Korean Studies institutions and Korean diplomatic missions worldwide. The Foundation also plans to have the information on overseas institutions of Korean Studies, including contact addresses, accessible on its website.

Support for Policy-Oriented Research Program

In 2006, the Foundation adopted new guidelines for the provision of support to Policy-Oriented Research Program. An informational briefing was held in Washington D.C., in August, to explain the new program guidelines and the solicited grant initiative to leading institutions in the U.S. In 2007, the Foundation will extend support for research projects related to three suggested themes: 1. Trust-building in Northeast Asia, 2. The Role of Soft Power and 3. Track II Diplomacy and NGO Diplomacy in Asia.

Regional Workshops on Support Strategy and Follow-up Measures

In 2006, the Foundation hosted regional workshops in North America, Europe, China, CIS·Central Asia, and Russia to devise customized program-support strategies. In 2007, the Foundation will implement relevant follow-up measures in accordance with the workshop sessions, including support for the six-member Russian Association of Universities Offering Korean Studies (RAUK). Assistance is also being extended to Peking University and Renmin University of China for Korean Studies courses, and to Yanbian University for the establishment of a visiting professorship to instruct PhD. candidates of Korean literature. Also, the Foundation will host a workshop for Korean Studies scholars in North America to discuss long-term development plans, and a similar session in Europe to discuss ways to stabilize and reinforce Korean Studies in the region. In addition, the Foundation will encourage universities in Korea to develop effective ways to facilitate exchange and collaboration between Korean Studies circles at home and abroad.

▣ Korean Language Department

In 2007, the Foundation will continue to support Korean-language courses at overseas universities, along with implementing workshops for Korean-language educators to help improve the effectiveness of their instruction. In addition, the Foundation will support the development of customized instructional materials and offer to Korean-language learners, including foreign diplomats, an opportunity to participate in a long-term immersion program for learning the Korea language and culture.

Support for Korean Language Courses

To ensure the further expansion of Korean-language education, the Foundation will dispatch scholars of Korean-language education to universities abroad that have shown increased demand for Korean-language instruction, and extend support to universities for the employment of Korean-language teaching staff. In 2007, the Foundation plans to support the establishment or employment of professors and instructors at 27 universities in 17 countries, in the Americas and Europe, while dispatching Korean language-educators, selected through a public search process, to 31 universities in 18 countries, including China and Russia.

Workshop for Korean Language Educators at Universities

The Foundation plans to organize regional workshops for overseas university professors and instructors of Korean language based on the particular needs of each region. In 2007, the Workshops for Korean-language educators in China, Japan, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East will be held respectively.

Development of Educational Materials

The Foundation will support the development of various textbooks that are tailored to the educational curriculum of various universities in an effort to enhance the effectiveness of classroom instruction. Assistance will also be provided for the development of new media materials for students and general-public users.

Fellowship for Korean Language Training

Under this program, the Foundation will invite diplomats from Asia (9 countries), Africa (7), CIS member countries (3), the Middle East (2), Oceania (1) and Central/South America (1), to participate in a one-year intensive Korean-language program at Seoul National University and to experience Korean culture. A total of 72 Korean Studies students at undergraduate and graduate levels, and Korean language professors and teachers will be invited to Korea to study Korean language and culture.

▣ Fellowship Program Department

In 2007, the Foundation will continue its efforts to foster new foreign scholars of Korean Studies, bolster Korea-related research, and enhance foreign educators'understanding about Korea through various fellowship programs, support for research publications and workshops.

Fellowship for Field Research

The Foundation intends to steadily increase the number of field research fellows and further expand the Visiting Scholar Program in which distinguished foreign scholars in the social sciences are invited to Korea to perform research on Korea and interact with Korean academics. In addition, the Foundation will provide further support to the Korean Studies Forums with Yonsei and Sogang universities so that Fellows can present their research findings and develop academic networks.

Fellowship for Graduate Studies

Over the past few years, the Foundation has put its efforts to consolidate the Fellowship for Graduate Studies Support for students of Korean Studies at universities in Northeast, Southeast and Central Asia and Oceania. Particularly in 2007, the Foundation will further strengthen its Fellowship support for foreign students in Korea-related fields enrolled at universities in Korea by increasing grant support and number of fellowship awardees.

Support for Research and Writing on Korean Studies

The Foundation extends support to distinguished scholars to encourage their writing and publishing activities and for the development of Korean Studies and Korean-language textbooks. To promote regional diversification, the Foundation will increase its assistance to scholars of Western Europe and Oceania in regard to the Postdoctoral Fellowship and Advanced Research Grant Programs.

Workshop Program for Overseas Educators

The Foundation organizes informational workshops for foreign educators so that they can gain firsthand knowledge about Korea and its educational system and personally experience Korean culture. While continuing to invite educators from the U.S., Japan, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, and other regions to these workshops, the Foundation plans to organize a biannual workshop for Overseas Librarians so as to enhance their professional expertise.

▣ Media Department

Support for Production of Multimedia Content

In response to growing demand for multimedia materials on Korea, the Foundation now implements support programs for the production of Korea-related video content. In 2006, the Multimedia Production Support Program provided assistance for the development of ary films: “Korean Cinerna Unleashed" and "Mountains, Water, Wind and Villages." Of note, the film on Korea's movie industry was dubbed in Vietnamese and shown at the Vietnamese Film Festival in December.
In 2007, the Foundation plans to support the production of six visual media projects (three each at home and abroad), and three book-publication efforts. Due to the effectiveness of multimedia content in terms of providing information about Korea and enhancing its global image, the Foundation plans to expand its multimedia promotion efforts by directly participating in the planning and production of visual materials as well as providing financial support for production projects.

Publication of Books

Under its "Korean Culture Series." the Foundation has published six volumes on various aspects of Korean culture and arts, in English. In 2007, the Foundation plans to publish additional books of this series: Seasonal Customs of Korea, Buddhist Sculptures of Korea and Buddhist Architecture of Korea In the future, another eight books are planned to be published on such subjects as Korea's traditional music, ritual court music and dance, folk dance, traditional stage performances, and wood and metal crafts.

The Foundation also strives to publish catalogues in English introducing Korea's most highly acclaimed artistic masterpieces. Following the publication of Fragrance of Korea: The Ancient Gilt Bronze Incense Burner of Baekje, a similar catalogue is scheduled to be published in 2007 on the Gilt-Bronze Meditative Maitreya Bodhisattva. The Foundation also plans to release an annotated bibliography of doctoral dissertations on Korea written by scholars at foreign universities and make this data available on-line.

Distribution of Informational and Reference Materials

The Foundation distributes informational materials and reference resources to a variety of relevant institutions and organizations worldwide. To facilitate Korea-related research, various reference resources, mainly in Korean and English, are distributed to universities in North America, Europe, and Asia, with Korean Studies programs. The Foundation also provides introductory books and multimedia content on Korea, in English and other languages, to other regions and countries with less familiarity with Korea due to a relative lack of exchange activities.

Foundation Periodicals

The Foundation's Koreana, a quarterly magazine, which features insightful articles on Korea's traditional and contemporary culture and arts, is published in English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, and Russian. Meanwhile, Korea Focus, an English monthly on current issues of Korea, provides timely articles and photos in the format of webzine, and is also published in about 7,000 copies quarterly and distributed to relevant organizations at home and abroad.