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KF News

1. Foundation-YTN Public Service Campaign

The Korea Foundation has produced a public service video, in cooperation with YTN, to publicize the activities being undertaken to promote Korea’s national image among the Korean public. The video ad, which is designed to encourage nationwide participation in the efforts to bolster Korea’s global image, emphasizes the value of cultural influences in today’s age of intellectual industries and the need to reinforce the country’s ‘soft power,’ through international exchanges.

Since November 19, 2007, this video has been shown twice a day (9:55 a.m. and 9:35 p.m.) on YTN, Korea’s leading cable news network.
The video provides highlights of the Foundation’s efforts to promote Korean Studies, Korean language education, dialogue channels, intellectual exchanges, and operations of the KF Cultural Center. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of cultural diplomacy and value of enhancing ‘Brand Korea’ among the international community.
The video is also intended to improve the public’s understanding of soft power (cultural diplomacy), which can help to ease friction that arises in the course of pursuing international trade and business, by contributing to a better understanding of Korea among the world’s countries and peoples. Such soft power efforts also contribute to a strengthening of the country’s overall competitiveness and improvement of Korea’s global image.
The Korea Foundation expects that this public service ad campaign will be helpful in making its international exchange activities better known to the general public. And in doing so, attract the public’s attention and support of these efforts to bolster Korea’s standing in the world as an advanced cultural power.

2. See the Foundation’s New Publicity Video at Public Venues

The Korea Foundation has produced a PR video ad to broaden public awareness of the Foundation’s key role in promoting international exchange efforts to advance Korea’s cultural diplomacy. The brief video can be seen at various public venues, including outdoor electronic signboards, subway stations, and airports.

The video highlights the Foundation’s support activities for Korean Studies, Korea-related research projects, Korean language education, and cultural exchanges. This is depicted by scenes of a graduation ceremony, which includes international students, and a foreign professor teaching Korean history, while the efforts to promote the Korean language abroad are shown by an African-American man, having coffee at an outdoor cafe, who welcomes a group of Korean backpackers with a Korean greeting. There is also a scene of a foreign woman enjoying a Korean puppet play, as an example of its cultural exchanges.
As for the Foundation’s promotion of Korea-related publications and visual content, as well as its intellectual exchange efforts, there are scenes of a foreign couple looking over an issue of Koreana, its magazine on Korean culture and art, and tourists at a filming location of “Winter Sonata,” the wildly popular Korean TV drama, which has been a key factor behind the global spread of the so-called Hallyu (Korean wave) pop culture phenomenon. Also, the importance of intellectual exchanges is portrayed by scenes of the Foundation’s bilateral and regional forums that serve as valuable dialogue channels for advancing Korea’s interests among the global community.
This video is being shown continuously (more than 100 times a day since November 20, 2007) on outdoor electronic signboards situated in Seoul’s bustling districts of Gwanghwamun, Jongno, and Gangnam, display panels at high-traffic subway stations of the Seoul Metro system (Line No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4), and video screens in the waiting areas of the Gimpo, Gimhae, and Jeju airports.
The showing of this PR video is intended to help the Korean public understand the significance of ‘soft power’ (cultural diplomacy) in the 21st century’s globalization era, when a nation’s future will be determined by its cultural capability. In this way, the Foundation seeks to boost public awareness of the value of cultural diplomacy and importance of efforts to enhance “Brand Korea” throughout the international community.