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Activities Calendar

Contemporary Korean Art Exhibition Tour
July 9-August 24, 2008
A touring exhibition of the works of ten contemporary Korean artists is being displayed at the Farmleigh Gallery in Ireland.
Venue: Farmleigh Gallery, Ireland
Organizers: Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Korea Foundation
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Workshop for Korean Language Educators in Central Asia
July 28-August 10, 2008
The workshop will provide Korean language educators of four Central Asian countries –Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan – with an opportunity to acquire additional knowledge about Korean linguistics and the teaching of Korean as a foreign language, and to enjoy firsthand exposure to various aspects of Korean culture.
Venue: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul
Organizers: International Association for Korean Language Educat ion and Korea Foundation
Contact: Korean Language Department

Workshop for Korean Language Educators from China
July 29-August 10, 2008
A group of 23 Korean language educators from China will visit Korea to attend Korearelated lectures and tour attractions of historical and cultural importance.
Venue: Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University, Seoul
Organizers: Institute of International Education, Kyung Hee University, and Korea Foundation
Contact: Korean Language Department

IAKLE Annual Conference
August 9-10, 2008
The International Association for Korean Language Education (IAKLE) is convening its annual conference at the University of Seoul to discuss the current status and related tasks for upgrading Korean language education abroad. This year’s gathering includes the attendance of about 1,200 Korean language educators, scholars, and researchers.
Venue: University of Seoul, Seoul
Contact: Korean Language Department

Daegu City Dance Troupe to Perform at Edinburgh Fringe Festival
August 11-23, 2008
Daegu City Dance Troupe will perform “Episode Hamlet,” an original choreographic creation, at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Venue: Rocket Venues, Edinburgh
Support: Korea Foundation
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Chae Hyung-soon Chung-Ang Dance Troupe to Perform in Quebec
August 12-26, 2008
At the Quebec City International Festival of Military Bands, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, the Chae Hyung-soon Chung-Ang Dance Troupe will stage a largescale performance of dance and military
music, in conjunction with the Korean Military Band of the Defense Ministry.
Venue: Grande Allee Parade, Quebec
Support: Korea Foundation
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

KF Global Speakers Forum: Professor Robert Buswell
August 14, 2008
Professor Robert Buswell, President of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), will be the guest speaker at the Foundation’s seventh Global Speakers Forum.
Venue: Plaza Hotel, Seoul
Contact: Policy and Research Department

Korean Dance and Food Tasting in the Netherlands
August 15-17, 2008
The Korean Christian Academy of Dance will introduce traditional Korean dance and music as well as Korean food to audiences in Amsterdam.
Venue: Dam Square, Amsterdam
Support: Korea Foundation
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

‘World Beat – Binari’ Performance at Darwin Festival, Australia
August 18-19, 2008
“World Beat – Binari,” a contemporary version of traditional Korean rituals, will be performed at the Botanic Garden in Darwin, Australia.
Venue: Botanic Garden, Darwin
Organizers: Darwin City Council’s Northern
Territory Government in Australia, Performing
Arts Market in Seoul, and Korea Foundation
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Korean Studies Graduate Students’ Convention in Europe (KSGSC)
August 21-23, 2008
The Korean Studies Graduate Students’ Convention in Europe, in its fifth year of operation, will convene this year’s session at Leiden University, which is expected to feature 30 paper presenters and ten panelists. Venue: Leiden University
Organizers: Association for Korean Studies in Europe and Korea Foundation
Contact: Korean Studies Department Korea-Japan Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences
August 22-23, 2008
Venue: Woosuk University, Jeonju
Contact: Intellectual Exchange Department

Korea’s Representative Actor’ s Lecture Tour of the U.S. East Coast
August 25-29, September 2-3, 2008
Korea’s representative actor and movie figure Ahn Sung-ki will present a series of lectures and film screening events in New York, Washington, D.C., and Georgia.
Venue: New York, Washington, D.C., and Georgia
Organizer: University of Georgia
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

16th Korea-Japan Forum
August 28-30, 2008
The annual Korea-Japan Forum will be held in Tokyo, with the attendance of key representatives from Korea and Japan.
Venue: Hotel Okura, Tokyo
Organizers: Japan Center for International
Exchange and Korea Foundation
Contact: Policy and Research Department

Second Korea-Netherlands Forum
August 28-29, 2008
The Second Korea-Netherlands Forum will be held at the Korean Embassy in the Netherlands.
Venue: Amsterdam
Contact: Intellectual Exchange Department

Traditional Korean Dance Performance in Australia
August 30-September 1, 2008
The Song Gyeong-sun Yejeon Dance Troupe will perform traditional Korean dance, including sinsalpuri, haneulssi, and Jinju sword dance, in Australia.
Venue: The Playhouse, Canberra Theater,
Canber ra/Main Hal l , Boxhi l l Town Hal l , Melbourne
Organizers: Korean Embassy in Australia and Korea Foundation

Contact: Culture and Arts Department Invitation Program
August 2008
Mayor, North Shore, New Zealand (August 3-8); President, National Theater, Asturias Cul tural Center, Guatemala (August 4-10); family members of former U.S.F.K. commanders, General MacArthur’s family, SS Meredith Victory, the ship that rescued North Korean refugees of Heungnam during the Korean War, Captain LaRue’s family, and its former crew member Mr. and Mrs. Roony (August 14-17); Director of Institute of Economic Affairs & President of Valco, Ghana (August 17-21); President, National Institute for Research Advancement (August 17-21); Procedural lawyer, U.K. (August 20-22); Editor-in-Chief of Addis Admass, Ethiopia (August 25-31); Associate Professor of international relations, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (August 30-September 6).

Korean Studies Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8556 studies@kf.or.kr
Korean Language Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8606 language@kf.or.kr
Fellowship Program Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8537 fellow@kf.or.kr
Intellectual Exchange Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8570 intellectual@kf.or.kr
Culture and Arts Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8532 cultural@kf.or.kr
Media Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8562 publication@kf.or.kr
KF Cultural Center 82 - 2 - 3789 - 5600 kfcenter@kf.or.kr
Policy and Research Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8635 policy@kf.or.kr