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KF Fellows in China Remain in Touch

Korea Foundation Fellows in China attended reunion meetings in Shanghai and Nanjing, on December 17 and 18, 2008, respectively. The events were organized to provide the Foundation fellows with an opportunity to renew acquaintances and share information on Korean Studies matters.

The Shanghai dinner meeting, held at the Baolong Hotel, was attended by a group of about 30 KF fellows, including Shi Yuanhwa, Director of the Center for Korean Studies of Fudan University, who serves as a contact point for Korea-related scholars in Shanghai.
In his welcoming remarks, Moon Sung-ki, Director of the Korea Foundation Beijing Office, noted: “The support of the Korea Foundation for this gathering of KF Fellows shows that the Foundation continues to maintain a considerable interest in your academic endeavors and ability to remain in communication with your Korea-related colleagues in Shanghai and China.”
Thereafter, Director Shi Yuanhua responded: “We, as Foundation fellows, remain grateful to the Foundation for its support, and thus pledge to make more efforts to promote Korean Studies.” To facilitate the interaction of these Korean specialists, a directory of KF Fellows in Shanghai was prepared and distributed to each of the participants.

Related to this reunion event in Shanghai, Director Moon paid a visit to Fudan University to present the 2008/2009 Korea Foundation scholarship awards to 15 graduate students of Korean Studies. Also present at the ceremony were Korean Studies Center Director Shi Yuanhua and Korean Language Department Chair Jiang Baoyou.
The Nanjing meeting of Foundation fellows included the participation of 15 fellows, along with scholars who have been selected to visit Korea under the 2009 Fellowship for Field Research program. The event was also attended by four recipients of the Foundation’s 2008/2009 graduate scholarship program, in addition to Director Liu Yingsheng of the Center for Korean Studies and Professor Youn Eun-ja of the Korean Language Department, Nanjing University.
Of particular note, in a show of determination not to miss out on this occasion, Professor Bae Yong-deuk, a visiting professor dispatched to Nanjing University by the Korea Foundation, did manage to attend the gathering, although arriving somewhat late after tending to his faculty responsibilities. In his greetings to the guests, Director Liu Yingsheng expressed his appreciation for the Korea Foundation’s assistance over the years, while noting that this support had contributed significantly to the development of Korean Studies at the Korean Language and History Departments of Nanjing University, as well as its Center for Korean Studies.
The Korea Foundation Fellows and the three scholars who will be participating in the Fellowship program in 2009 shared information about their interests and experiences in Korea, while the graduate scholarship recipients were also appreciative of this opportunity to spend time with these Korean studies scholars.