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Activities Calendar

Sogang-KF Korean Studies Forum
April 2
Sessions of the Korean Studies Forum are regularly held at Sogang University to promote academic exchange and networkbuilding among Korean Studies scholars and students.
Organizers: Korea Foundation, Institute for International and Area Studies, Sogang University
Venue: Kim Dae-gon Hall, Sogang University
Contact: Fellowship Program Department

Photo Exhibition ‘Extending Hands to Vietnam’
April 2-15
The exhibition features vivid images of Vietnam’s landscape, daily life, and people captured by 12 Korean photographers. An informational seminar and movie screenings are being held to supplement the exhibition works.
Organizer: Visual Worship Institute
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Pianist Paik Kun-woo Recitals in Japan
April 3-10
Pianist Paik Kun-woo’s recitals, featuring Beethoven’s piano sonata, are being staged in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan.
Organizers: Korea Foundation, Daily Yomiuri
Venue: Tokyo and Osaka, Japan
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Yonsei-KF Korean Studies Forum
April 7/28
Sessions of the Korean Studies Forum are regularly held at Yonsei University to promote academic exchange and networkbuilding among Korean Studies scholars and students.
Organizers: Korea Foundation, Yonsei University
Venue: Millennium Hall, Yonsei University
Contact: Fellowship Program Department

90th Anniversary of Korea’s Provisional Government
April 9-12
With support from the Foundation, an international conference is being held in China, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Provisional Government of Korea, which was founded in April 1919, as an effort to promote awareness of the Provisional Government ’s effor ts and encourage research on Sino-Korean relations.
Venue: Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Contact: Korean Studies Department

Choi Gyeong-sil Dance Troupe’s Performance at BIPOD
April 15-26
The Choi Gyeong-sil Dance Troupe will perform “A Boat and a Passenger,” at the fifth BIPOD (Beirut International Platform of Dance) in Beirut, Lebanon, and neighboring countries.
Organizer: BIPOD Maqamat Dance Theatre
Venue: 1) Maqamat Theater, Beirut, Lebanon
2) Al Mussein Theater, Amman, Jordan
3) Al Midan Theater, Ramallan, Israel
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

3rd Seoul-Washington Forum
April 16-17
This Forum will provide representatives from Korea and the U.S. with an opportunity to discuss matters of mutual concern and facilitate network-building between two Countries.
Organizers: Korea Foundation, Brookings Institution
Venue: Brookings Institution, U.S.A
Contact: Policy and Research Department

‘Cho-In’ Theater Performance Tour of the U.K.
April 18-26
Theater Company ‘Cho-In’ will stage a play, entitled “The Angel and the Woodcutter,” based on a traditional Korean folk story, during its tour of various U.K. venues.
Organizers: New Theatre Royal, The Tron, South Hills Park, U.K
Venues: Portsmouth, Bracknell, and Glasgow, U.K.
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Theater Company Tuida Performance in Russia
April 24-29
Performance Group Tuida will perform “A Story of Hareuk,” based on a mythical story, at the International Theatre Kingfestival in Russia.
Organizer: Russian Center of ASSITEJ
Venue: Velikiy Novgorod, Russia
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Workshop for Korean Language Educators of the Middle Eastern and African Countries
April 26-27
Together wi th the Korean Society of Bilingualism, the Foundation will sponsor a workshop for Korean language educators of the Middle Eastern and African countries to help improve their teaching of Korean as a foreign language, in addition to promoting information exchange and discussion of relevant matters to upgrade Korean language education in the region.
Venue: Ain Shams University, Egypt
Contact: Korean Studies Department

13th KF Forum and Public Diplomacy Book Launch
April 29
The Korea Foundation and the Underwood International College of Yonsei University will co-host the Book Launch of the 2nd of he KF Public Diplomacy Reference Series, with the editor of the book, Professor Keith Dinnie of Temple University Japan Campus, who will represent an overview of his book on nation branding at a session of the KF Forum.
Organizer: Korea Foundation
Contact: Policy and Research Department

Invitation Program
April 2009
Rodrigo Calderon, Rector, Sergio Arboleda University Colombia; Alioune Badara Beye, General Coordinator of 3rd Festival of Black Arts (FESMAN III), Senegal; Zinhle R. Pondo, International Program Buyer of SABC, South Africa; Stefan Luby, President, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia; Christine Bachrun, Coordinator of Korean Language and Culture Studies Program, University of Indonesia, Indonesia; Maria Cortés, CINERGIA, Costa Rica; Vyacheslav Nikonov, Executive Director, Russkiy Mir Foundation, Russia; U.S. Congressional Staff Delegation; Next-Generation Leaders from Thailand.

Korean Studies Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8556 studies@kf.or.kr Fellowship Program Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8537 fellow@kf.or.kr
Intellectual Exchange Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8639 intellectual@kf.or.kr Policy and Research Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8635 policy@kf.or.kr
Culture and Arts Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8532 cultural@kf.or.kr KF Cultural Center 82 - 2 - 3789 - 5600 kfcenter@kf.or.kr
Media Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8562 publication@kf.or.kr