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Concerted Efforts to Realize a Strategic Partnership

The 10th Korea-Russia Forum, which was held at the Shilla Jeju Hotel on the beautiful island of Jeju(May 28-29), included the participation of ten Russian figures, led by Aleksandr N. Panov, Rector of the Russian Diplomatic Academy, and a Korean delegation of 20 representatives, led by Yim Sung-joon, President of the Korea Foundation.

The Russian participants included prominent figures of Russia’s diplomatic sector, such as Aleksandr N. Panov, Rector of the Russian Diplomatic Academy, the Russian organizer of the Korea-Russia Forum; Konstantin V. Vnukov, Director of the First Asia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Georgiy D. Toloraya, Director of Regional Business, Russkiy Mir Foundation, as well as Vasily I. Tso, President of the All Russia Association of Korea; Nikolay D. Nikandrov, President of the Russian Academy of Education.
Along with Korea Foundation President Yim Sungjoon, the Korean representatives included leading Russia-related specialists from the government and academia, such as Lee In-ho, Professor of Humanities, KAIST; Lee Jai-chun, Chairman of the Policy Committee, Korean Council on Foreign Relations; Lee Se-ung, Chairman of the Board, Seoul Cyber University; Lee Kyung-tae, President of the Institute for International Trade, Korea International Trade Association; Kim Eun-joong, Director-General of the European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Kim Jin-won, Professor of Korea University; Kim Seok-hwan, Research Fellow of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade; and Chung Eun-sook, Senior Fellow of the Seoul Institute.

Security Cooperation
The Korea-Russia Forum was convened on May 28 just three days after North Korea had sent shock waves throughout the international community with another test of its nuclear weapons, which added to the relevancy of discussions on regional security. In their opening remarks, the Korea Foundation President Yim and Rector Panov reflected on the bilateral relationship, ahead of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Russia, along with commending the notable achievements thus far. They also expressed a sincere hope for the Korea-Russia Forum to further contribute to the development of bilateral relations, in particular regard to a reinforcement of cooperative efforts, at this time of a global economic crisis, and to assure a peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear crisis.
In his keynote presentation, Russian Foreign Ministry’s First Asia Department Director Vnukov emphasized the importance of efforts by various institutions and organizations, along with those of the governments, which are needed to realize a strategic and cooperative partnership between Korea and Russia, as agreed upon at the summit meeting of September 2008. He also highlighted the vital role that the Korea-Russia Forum can serve as a communication channel to coordinate such efforts.
During the first session, the participants focused on matters related to “Korea-Russia Bilateral Security Cooperation and Regional Security.” The presenters of position papers included Ko Jae-nam, Professor of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS), and Director Vnukov and Director Toloraya. Amidst the aftermath of North Korea’s recent nuclear test, the participants expressed their views with a heightened sense of urgency. Overall, the two sides concurred that North Korea’s belligerence toward the international community made it more difficult for Korea-Russia cooperative efforts to effectively address the North Korean situation.
Moreover, there was a divergence of views about the kind of measures that should be undertaken to move toward a resolution. To settle the North Korean nuclear problem, the Russian side called for direct talks between the U.S. and North Korea, based on a flexible approach by the U.S. side. There was also skepticism about the effectiveness of the six-party talks since North Korea has now demanded the discussion of a more comprehensive agenda that includes arms reduction and security of the Northeast Asian region. Along with suggesting that the Russian viewpoint seemed to be overly dependent on a reasonable response from the Pyongyang regime, the Korean side emphasized an overriding need for denuclearization, through whatever means possible, and to continue the efforts to work with China in order to persuade the North Korean leadership.
During the session on “Overcoming the Global Economic Crisis: Common Steps Forward,” the participants agreed to support efforts to institutionalize the G20 as the most important process for the discussion of global economic issues in the future.

Energy Cooperation
As for a theme of “Korea-Russia Bilateral Economic Cooperation and a Regional Economic Community,” the Korean side cited the need for concerted efforts under which Korea would be allowed to actively invest in Russia’s natural gas sector, along with Korea and Russia joining hands for the construction of a gas pipeline project, which would extend from Russia and pass through North Korea, before reaching South Korea. Moreover, it was stressed that an FTA between Korea and Russia would serve to boost economic growth and cement their partnership relations. The Russian side called for the inclusion of a proposal for joint research on an FTA in the forum’s summary statement, in addition to appealing for more active investment by Korean businesses in the Russian Far East and East Siberia, and cooperative efforts to promote agriculturerelated activities in the Maritime Region.
The final discussion session dealt with “Diversifying the Horizon of Korea-Russia Relationship for the Next Two Decades.” The Korean participants offered detailed descriptions of various proposed projects to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Korea-Russia diplomatic relations, and called for expanded cooperation to promote performing arts, based on diversified exchange projects. The Russian side explained a shift of Russia’s perspective toward Korean history and stressed a need to pursue joint research on the development of textbook content. Also of note, they appealed for additional support for a joint project, with the Lotte business group, to establish a Korea-Russia cultural center, and indicated that the All Russia Association of Koreans would play an increasingly important role in cultural exchange.