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Recent Activities

Korean Cultural Festival in Beijing
May 29-June 1, 2009
The fourth Korean Cultural Festival was organi zed by the Korean language departments of nine universities in the Beijing area under a theme of Creation of Future Civilization Through Cultural Communication.

The 39th Taiwanese Traveling Exhibition for the International Children’s Painting and Korean Children’s Painting Exhibition
June 2-15, 2009
The exhibition, which was held at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center, featured 50 paintings by Korean children as well as 150 paintings of children from all over the world that have been selected for the World School Children’s Art Exhibition.

14th Korea Foundation Forum
June 3, 2009
Dr. Bernd Engler, Rector of the University of Tübingen, spoke on the reform of and outlook for higher education in Germany.

Exhibition of Hanji Craftwork
June 7-July 12, 2009
At the invitation of Frauenmuseum, of Bonn, Germany, the Hanji Development Institute presented an overview of Korea’s traditional handmade paper, hanji, related to the themes of ‘History of Hanji,’ ‘Beauty of Hanji,’ and ‘Hanji and Light,’ for European audiences.

Korean Traditional Dance for Korea-Kenya 45th Anniversary
June 8-21, 2009
On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Kenya, the Incheon Metropolitan City Dance Theater staged traditional Korean dance performances, including a fan dance in Kenya, as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon.

14th Korea-China Forum for the Future
June 15-18, 2009
Opinion leaders representing the governmental, parliamentary, business, academic, science/technology, social/ cultural, and media sectors of Korea and China gathered to discuss key issues between the two countries in an effort to strengthen future-oriented cooperative relations.

2009 AKSE Conference
June 18-21, 2009
Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE) Conference was held at Leiden University of the Netherlands. Korean Studies scholars from the European region participated in the biennial conference, which includes the presentat ion of research papers and discussion of recent developments.

Korea Foundation Concert for Foreign Residents in Korea
June 29, 2009
The Foundation hosted a special concert in an effort to have foreign residents in Korea better understand and appreciate Korean culture. The concert’s featured performers included “Yeoul,” an innovative gayageum quartet, and “wHOOL,” a fusion-style group that s music based on traditional Korean music.