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Activities Calendar

Nepal: Land of Culture, Nature and Opportunity
June 22-July 4, 2009
The Embassy of Nepal in Seoul presented an exhibition that featured 100 paintings and artifacts, which highlighted Nepal’s breathtaking scenery, folk music instruments, and craftworks.
Venue: KF Cultural Center

Korean Studies Workshop for American Educators (I-II)
June 25-July 22, 2009
The workshop program provided 80 U.S. secondary school teachers of history and social studies, educational administrators, and textbook writers with an opportunity to acquire an ive understanding of Korea, for the purpose of enhancing classroom instruction on Korea.
Organizers: Korea Foundation and Institute for Modern Korean Studies, Yonsei University
Venue: Seoul and various provincial cities
Contact: Fellowship Program Department

Workshop on the Foundation’s Support Programs for Korean Studies
July 3, 2009
Specialists of Korean Studies abroad and the Foundation’s relevant executives and program officers got together to evaluate the Foundation’s existing support programs for Korean Studies abroad and to map out new strategy measures for today’s changing environment.
Organizer: Korea Foundation
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: Korean Studies Department

Exhibition of Fashion Art to Celebrate Korea-Brazil Relations
July 7-19, 2009
A fashion show of traditional Korean attire, along with an exhibition of Korean fashion art and a fashion forum was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Brazil, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Organizer: Korea Fashion and Culture Association
Venue: Brasilia Museum, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

6th Korean Studies Association of Australasia Conference
July 9, 2009
Korean Studies scholars in Asia and Oceania gathered to present papers and discuss Korean Studies issues, under a theme of “Global Korea: Old and New.”
Organizer: Korean Studies Association of Australasia (KSAA)
Venue: University of Sydney, Australia
Contact: Korean Studies Department

SSRC Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop 2009
July 12-16, 2009
With the participation of doctoral candidates, academic advisers, and Social Science Research Council (SSRC) staff members, the workshop enabled Korearelated PhD. candidates to present their dissertation plans, discuss interdisciplinary research, and receive feedback/mentoring from academic advisers, and expand their network relations.
Organizer: Social Science Research Council, U.S.
Venue: Asilomar Conference Center,
Monterey, U.S.
Contact: Korean Studies Department

Nanta and B-boy Tour of Africa and the Middle East
July 12-25, 2009
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Tunisia, a B-boy team and the non-verbal performance Nanta from Korea toured three countries in Africa and the Middle East to perform at prestigious festivals and landmark theaters.
Organizer: Korea Foundation
Venue: Tunisia, Morocco, and Oman
Contact: Culture and Arts Department

Korean Studies Workshop for Australasian Educators
July 13-26, 2009
A group of 24 secondary school teachers of history and social studies, educational administrators, and textbook writers from Australia and New Zealand attended an informational workshop and have an opportunity to acquire an ive understanding about Korea, in an effort to enhance Korea-related education in the Australasia region.
Organizers: Korea Foundation and Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University
Venue: Seoul and various provincial cities
Contact: Fellowship Program Department

Korean Studies Workshop for European Educators
July 16-29, 2009
An opportunity to attend informational lectures on Korea and visi t histor i c and cultural sites was provided to 18 European secondary school teachers of history and social studies and educational administrators.
Organizers: Korea Foundation and Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University
Venue: Seoul and various provincial cities
Contact: Fellowship Program Department

Borderless Generation; Contmeporary Art of Latin America
July 17-August 8, 2009
In conjunction with the “Latin American
Cultural Festival,” a special exhibition, on the theme of “Borderless Generation,” will feature the contemporary art works of 16 Latin American Caribbean countries.
Organizers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, and Korea Foundation
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Special Screenings of Latin American Films
July 17-August 1, 2009
The “Latin American Cultural Festival” will include the special screening of representative films of Central and South American countries, which are rarely shown to audiences in Korea.
Organizers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade, and Korea Foundation
Venue: Video Room, KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Invitation Program
July 2009
Martin Aguirre Regules, Presiding Editor, El Pais, Uruguay; Soukkongseng Saignaleuth, President, National University of Laos; Awadh Al-Badi, Director, Department of Research and Studies, KFCRIS, Saudi Arabia; Norodom Sirivudh, President, Founder and Chai rman, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Cambodia; Former U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers Reunion; Next Generation Leaders from Middle East (9 members); Next Generation Leaders from China (15 Members)

Korean Studies Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8531 studies@kf.or.kr
Fellowship Program Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8537 fellow@kf.or.kr
Intellectual Exchange Department 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6531 intellectual@kf.or.kr
Policy and Research Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8635 policy@kf.or.kr
Culture and Arts Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8532 cultural@kf.or.kr
KF Cultural Center 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6500 kfcenter@kf.or.kr
Media Department 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6546 publication@kf.or.kr