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Recent Activities

Performance by HATA at Folklore Festival in Brazil
August 1-15, 2009
At the World Folklore Festival of Nova Petropolis in Brazil, the Korean percussion art group HATA staged a performance of various traditional Korean dance and music.

Haegum Plus Performance in Los Angeles
August 3-9, 2009
Haegeum Plus presented innovative variations of Korea’s traditional music, which combine traditional Korean musical instruments with Western instruments, at the Grand Performances event at California Plaza in Los Angeles.

2009 Workshop for Korean Language Educators from China
August 3-14, 2009
To enhance Korean language education in China, a group of 28 Korean language educators from Chinese universities attended an intensive training program in Korea to learn about theories and recently developed practices f or Korean language instruction .

Special Film Screenings: Young Italian Cinema
August 3-14, 2009
Under a theme of “Young Italian Cinema,” the Italian Cultural Institute in Seoul presented six films of leading Italian directors, including debut films of young directors and early works of renowned directors at KF Cultural Center.

Performance of Lee K. Dance in Senegal
August 3-23, 2009
In conjunction with the fifth Aex-Corps, Dakar, Senegal, Lee K. Dance performed “Spring Dreams” and conduct conducted an informational workshop at Centre Cultural Blaise Senghor in Senegal.

Kim Ju-hong and Noreummach Performances in Germany
August 6-19, 2009
Kim Ju-hong and Noreummachi , a traditional Korean percussion group, held a workshop and perform at Klangwelten Summer Music Festival in Germany.

Korean Studies Workshop for Russian Educators
August 10-23, 2009
A group of 23 secondary school teachers of history and social studies, educational administrators, and textbook writers from Russia attended an informational workshop and had an opportunity to acquire a more ive understanding about Korea.

15th KF Forum
August 11, 2009
Former Prime Minister of Australia John Howard presented a lecture on ‘Australian- Korean Relations: A Bright Future’ at the 15th Korea Foundation Forum to an audience that included foreign diplomatic staff and journalists in Korea.

2nd Conference on Nation Branding
August 13, 2009
The Foundation invited nation branding specialists and scholars to attend this conference to discuss the concepts and issues of nation branding, and an overall strategy to enhance Korea’s national brand.

Performance of Theater Seoul Factory in India
August 14-19, 2009
Theater Seoul Factory participated in the Hindu Metroplus Theatre Festival in India, where it staged “Medea and Its Double,” a Korean adaptation of the Greek tragedy “Medea.”

Exhibition of Buenos Aires, Argentina
August 18-26, 2009
This special photo exhibition featured 30 works of Argentine photographer Limay Uribe Ruberti, based on themes of Descansos (relaxation), Relatos de Ciudad (stories of a city), and Secretos de Ciudad (secrets of a city), which depict the daily life of Buenos Aires residents from a unique perspective.

16th KF Forum
August 20, 2009
Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, presented a lecture at the 16th Korea Foundation Forum.

Dulsori Performance Tour of Europe
August 23-September 20, 2009
Dulsori, a traditional Korean performing arts group, performed “World Beat Binari at cultural and arts festivals in Ireland Belgium, and the United Kingdom.

Performance of Vinalog in Uzbekistan
August 24-31, 2009
A Korean music group with a fusion style, Vinalog, performed “Two Worlds” at the seventh Sharq Taronalari Music Festival in Uzbekistan.

Korean Studies Workshop for Southeast Asian Educator
August 24-September 6, 2009
An opportunity to attend lectures on Korea and visit historic and cultural sites was provided to 15 Southeast Asian secondary school teachers of history and social studies and educational administrators.

Korean Studies Workshop for Chinese Educators
August 25-September 3, 2009
The workshop program provided 29 Chinese secondary school teachers of history and social studies, educational administrators, and textbook writers with an opportunity to acquire a more ive understanding of Korea, for the purpose of enhancing classroom instruction on Korea.

Invitation Program
August 2009
Douglas Richardson,Executive Director Association of American Geographers(AAG) , U.S.A; Gegham Gharibjanian Chief of Staff of Parliament, National Assembly of Republic of Armenia; Nicolaus Schafhausen, Director, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Netherlands; U.S Youth (101 Students)

2009 Gallery Concert ‘Music + Art’
September 1-2, 2009
The Korea Foundation Cultural Center hosted a gallery concert to celebrate the fourth anniversary of its operation. The concert featured Spanish and Korean songs sung by Grupo Vocal Millennium f rom Spain on September 1, and a performance by Prelude, a jazz ensemble composed of Berklee College of Music graduates, and a live painting performance by French artist Gerard Economos, on September 2.
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Sadari Movement Lab’s Asian Tour
September 8-October 9, 2009
Sadari Movement Lab performs an adaptation of Woyzeck, an original work of German playwright Georg Büchner. The Korean theater group stages the story of a soldier in a physical theater format, with a wooden chair.
Organizer: Sadari Movement Lab
Venue: Singapore, Macao, and Australia
Contact: Culture and Art Department

‘Korea-Latin America Artists Exhibition’
September 9-17, 2009
This special exchange exhibition of the Hanwool Artists Group involved women painters who graduated from the College of Art, Seoul National University. It featured various works by about 60 women artists of Korea and 17 representative artists from Central and South American countries: Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Chile, Cuba, Paraguay, and Peru.
Organizer: Hanwool Artists Group
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

KFCC Regular Cultural Lecture Series III: Africa
September 17-November 26, 2009
The final KFCC Regular Cultural Lecture Series of 2009 offers presentations related to Africa, following lecture programs on Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe earlier this year. The lectures, by Korean specialists, provide the audiences with an opportunity to broaden the scope of their understanding about the vast African continent.
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

17th KF Forum
September 18, 2009
The President of Rand Corporation, Jamew Tomson, presented a lecture on the theme “Challenges of Political Polarization in the U.S.” at the 17th Korea Foundation Forum.
Venue: Seoul Plaza Hotel, Korea
Contact: Policy and Research Department

2009 Korea-Japan Festival Exchange in Tokyo
September 19-21, 2009
The Korea-Japan Festival Exchange, which has been annually held in Seoul since 2005 to promote two-way cultural exchange, was staged at such venues in Tokyo as Roppongi and Omotesando.
Organizer: Korea-Japan Festival Exchange Executive Committees
Venue: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Culture and Art Department

Asia’s Grace in Everyday Life through Education
September 23-October 16, 2009
This photo exhibition is related to the “Development of Materials for Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace in Asia” project, co-organized by the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding and the Office for the Hub City of Asian Culture, under Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. With photo images, the exhibition will reveal the everyday grace of Asia through scenes of educational endeavors.
Venue: KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Invitation Program
September 2009
Homi K. Bhabha,. Director of the Humanities Center, Harvard University, U.S.; Toeger Seidenfaden, Editor in Chief, The Politiken Daily, Denmark; Oumarou Bouba, Rector, The University of Yaounde I, Cameroon; Georgi Stoev, Vice President of Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria; Driss Quaouicha, Universi ty of Al -Akawain, Morocco; Leonardo S. Simao, Hoakim Sinano Foundation, Mozambique; Wang Xiaoli, Vice President, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China; Elias Mudzuri, Minister of Energy Strategy and Development, Zimbabwe; Enro Rubik, Inventor of Rubik’s Cube, Hungary; Next Generation Leaders from China (media sector, 12 members); Next Generation Leaders from Africa; Japanese university students (30 members).

Korean Studies Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8531 studies@kf.or.kr
Fellowship Program Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8537 fellow@kf.or.kr
Intellectual Exchange Department 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6531 intellectual@kf.or.kr
Policy and Research Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8635 policy@kf.or.kr
Culture and Arts Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8532 cultural@kf.or.kr
KF Cultural Center 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6500 kfcenter@kf.or.kr
Media Department 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6546 publication@kf.or.kr