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Efforts to Enhance Cooperation with Diplomatic Missions Abroad

The Korea Foundation invited newly appointed diplomats, who are slated for assignment at Korea’s diplomatic missions abroad later this year, to a breakfast meeting at JW Marriott Hotel in Seoul, on September 17. This gathering, which provided an opportunity for these diplomatic officials to familiarize themselves with the Foundation’s various programs and exchange activities.

The officials who attended the recent session compr ised eight heads of overseas diplomatic missions, including six newly appointed Korean ambassadors to Switzerland, Romania, Greece, Azerbaijan, Tanzania and Slovakia, and two Korean consul generals in Niigata, Japan, and Istanbul, Turkey, along with Korea Foundation President Yim Sung-joon and other Foundation officials.

Local Assistance
Since a majority of the Foundation’s programs a re implemented and administered in conjunction with Korea’s diplomatic missions around the world, the meeting included an informational briefing so that the diplomatic officials could acquire a more detailed understanding of the Foundation’s efforts to promote public diplomacy. In this regard, the Foundation has come to highly value the cooperative efforts of Korea’s diplomatic missions and officials abroad, in terms of their endeavors to provide valuable input and local assistance.
In his remarks, Foundation President Yim Sung-joon emphasized the importance of public diplomacy to bolster Korea’s soft power, along with calling on the diplomatic missions to take keen interest in the Foundation’s initiatives and to cooperate closely with the Foundation on local projects. As for the diplomatic officials, in addition to pledging to put forth their best efforts to render such assistance, they also expressed various thoughts on the Foundation’s activities, including ways to better utilize Foundation publications, such as Koreana, the importance of regional diversification in the allocation of support for policyresearch institutions, coordinated efforts for the dispatch of visiting professors for Korean language education, and consultation on cultural exchange projects, like exhibition events.
As a result of the ability of diplomatic missions and off i c i a l s to acquire an in-depth understanding of local circumstances and prevailing sentiments, they serve as a key partner of the Foundation and the efforts to advance its fundamental ives, through mutual understanding and cooperative working relations.