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Recent Activities

Korean Food Event in Hong Kong
October 6, 2009
On the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Korean Consulate-General mission in Hong Kong and Korea’s Nat ional Foundation Day, a Korean food event was staged in Hong Kong, featuring Korean food demonstrations by Institute of Traditional Korean Food Director Yoon Sook-ja and a performance by pianist Cho Seong-jin.

18th KF Forum
October 7, 2009
Director of Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Alexander Dynkin, presented a lecture on the theme “Current Global Turmoil and Russia’s Challenges” at the 18th Korea Foundation Forum.

‘Rhythm of Korea’ at Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin
October 10-November 30, 2009
The 2009 Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin event features the original music of German, Israeli, and Korean composers. Korean rhythm, as interpreted by a native Korean, a second-generation Korean immigrant, and a foreigner, was compared.

19th KF Forum
October 13, 2009
President of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Paul Webley, presented a lecture on the theme “The Challenge of Running a Social Science and Humanities University in the 21st Century” at the 19th Korea Foundation Forum.

Korean Art Groups Performance Tour of Harbin and Dhaka
October 14-20, 2009
On the occasion of Korea Week in Harbin, China, and the centennial of Korean independence activist Ahn Jung-geun’s resistance efforts, Korean art groups jointly presented nonverbal performance “Jump” and a marionette “Puppet City” work. In advance of the performance in China, they also performed in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

8th Korea-Germany Forum
October 15-18, 2009
Opinion leaders representing the governmental, parliamentary, business, academic, science/technology, social/ cultural, and media sectors of Korea and Germany gathered in Germany to discuss key issues of the two countries, in an effort to strengthen future-oriented cooperative relations.

2009 Workshop for Overseas Librarians
October 18-25, 2009
The Foundation and the National Library of Korea co-hosted the 2009 Workshop for Overseas Librarians. A total of 11 Korean Studies librarians from seven countries at tended lectures and visit relevant organizations in Korea.

Korean Studies Workshop for Japanese Educators
October 19-November 1, 2009
In conjunction with the Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University and the Foundation invited 18 secondary school teachers of history and social studies, and educational administrators from Japan, to its Korean Studies workshop.

‘Swedish Footprints’ Exhibition
October 21-November 8, 2009
An exhibition of Swedish art and design, held at the KF Cultural Center, was organized by the Embassy of Sweden in Seoul and the Korea-Sweden Cultural Society t o commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Sweden.

20th KF Forum
October 23, 2009
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, Alison Richard, presented a lecture on the theme “Universities and Partnership,” at the 20th Korea Foundation Forum.

Photo Exhibition on the Mapuche People of Chile
October 23-November 10, 2009
The Chilean Embassy in Seoul hosted a photo exhibition that featured the Mapuche people who reside in the southern area of Chile.

11th Workshop for Korean Art Curators
October 26-November 4, 2009
36 curators from 12 countries who oversee Korean galleries or Korean art collections at museums abroad participated in an annual workshop with focuses on “Korean Painting Viewed in Relation to China and Japan.” The workshop provided the curator s with an opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge on this theme, through a series of lectures and seminar, as well as to have meetings with Korean specialists and other participants for the formation of networks.

Invitation Program
October 2009
William E. Sharp, Professor of East Asian Politics Hawaii Pacific University, U.S.; Patrick Messerlin, Director, Grouped’Economie Mondiale, Sciences Po Paris, France; Alexander Dynkin, Director, Institute of Wor ld Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russia; Rajesh Chandra, Vice- Chancellor, University of the South Pacific, Fiji; Daniel Rukavina, Full Member, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia; Kenneth S. Julien, University of Trinidad and Tobago; Alexander Zapesotsky A., Rector, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Russia; Farhad Rahbar, Chancellor, University of Tehran, Iran; Masouma Al-Mubaraak, National Assembly of Kuwait; Gabriel Madueño, CEO, APOYO, Peru; Ivan Ilchev, Rector, Sofia University, Bulgaria; US Peace Corps Volunteers Reunion (96 members), Future Leaders Forum/ Korea-China-Japan (18 members); Next-Generation Leaders from Europe (17 members).

Performance of Namsadang Baudeogi Pungmul Troupe in Libya
November 2-8, 2009
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Libyan Revolution, Anseong Municipal Namsadang Baudeogi Pungmul Troupe performed in Tripoli, Libya, to promote friendship between Korea and Libya.
Venue: Al-Ittihad Football Club Stadium, Libya
Contact: Culture and Art Department

Lecture Tour of South America
November 3-9, 2009
Informational lectures on the themes of the Korean economy and the role of education in economic development were presented in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Colombia.
Contact: Korean Studies Department

4th KF Expert Seminar
November 5, 2009
Victor Cha, Professor of Georgetown Universi ty, discussed U.S. President Obama’s visit to Asia at the fourth KF Expert Seminar.
Venue: Conference Room, Korea Foundation
Contact: Policy and Research Department

4th Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Forum
November 11-13, 2009
Specialists in international relations, security, economy, trade, and culture from Korea and ASEAN discussed major pending issues and efforts to promote regional cooperation.
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact: Policy and Research Department

Korean Studies Conference for 20th Anniversary of Korea-Hungary Relations
November 12-14, 2009
An international conference on Korean Studies was held at Eötvös Loránd University(ELTE) in Hungary to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Korea- Hungary diplomatic relations.
Venue: ELTE, Hungary
Contact: Korean Studies Department

5th KF Expert Seminar
November 16, 2009
David Straub, Director of Shorenstein Asia- Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, was the featured speaker at the fifth KF Expert Seminar.
Venue: Conference Room, Korea Foundation
Contact: Policy and Research Department

Korean Chamber Group Performs in Central America
November 16-19, 2009
Del Gesu s, a Korean chamber group, staged performances in El Salvador and Panama to promote cultural exchange between Korea and Central America.
Venues: El Salvador and Panama
Contact: Culture and Art Department

Hungarian Movie Week
November 17-21, 2009
The Embassy of Hungary arranged for five Hungarian films to be screened at the KF Cultural Center
Venue: Cinema Room, KF Cultural Center
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Mira Dance Company Performance Tour
November 17-26, 2009
Mira Dance Company performed on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Honorary Consulate-General office in Armenia, and to promote cultural exchange with St. Petersburg, Russia.
Venue: Yerevan, Armenia and St. Petersburg, Russia
Contact: Culture and Art Department

11th Concert of Austria-Korea Philharmonic Orchestra
November 19, 2009
The Austria-Korea Philharmonic Orchestra presented its 11th concert in Vienna.
Venue: Concerto House, Mozart Hall, Vienna, Austria
Contact: Culture and Art Department

7th Korea-Canada Forum
November 19-20, 2009
Opinion leaders representing the political, business, academic, social, cultural, and media sectors of Korea and Canada gathered to discuss future-oriented cooperation and efforts to reinforce network relations for the exchange of information on key bilateral issues.
Venue: Vancouver, Canada
Contact: Policy and Research Department

CJ Picture Book Festival
November 23-December 24, 2009
Works of finalists of the CJ Picture Book Award program will be on display at the KF Cultural Center. The award program is designed to offer encouragement to creative picture book writers and illustrators, at home and abroad, and provide support for the promotion of picture-book culture.
Venue: KF Cultural Center Galleries
Contact: KF Cultural Center

Invitation Program
November 2009
Valentin Rubakov, Assistant of the President of the Republic of Belarus; Michael Forshaw, Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence &Trade of the Australian Federal Parliament, Australia; Justino Da Costa Andrade, Director of Economy and Management Department, Catholic University of Angola; Jean-Christophe Victor, Director, LEPAC, France; Arikawa Setsuo, President, Kyushu Universi ty, Japan; Hoang Van-Chau, President, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam; Tan Sri A. Aziz Chairman of National Economic Advisory Council, Malaysia; Hu Zhiqiang, Mayor, Yulin Municipal People’s Government, PR China; Next-Generation Leaders from China (foreign affairs sector/11 members); Next-Generation Leaders from CIS (9 members); Chinese Youth Invitation Program (199 members).

Korean Studies Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8531 studies@kf.or.kr
Fellowship Program Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8537 fellow@kf.or.kr
Intellectual Exchange Department 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6531 intellectual@kf.or.kr
Policy and Research Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8635 policy@kf.or.kr
Culture and Arts Department 82 - 2 - 2046 - 8532 cultural@kf.or.kr
KF Cultural Center 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6500 kfcenter@kf.or.kr
Media Department 82 - 2 - 2151 - 6546 publication@kf.or.kr