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‘Climbing the Mountain of Korean Cultural Research’

I am running hard to catch a bus so early in the morning. What am I absorbed in? With a three-day field trip ahead, I wonder about: “How will the weather be?” or “Who will be on this trip with me?” I begin the trip with such questions and high expectations.

Mountain Climbing
Imagine a person who thinks that an escalator is indispensible for going up to a high place. Then picture this person trying to climb a mountain, sweating and panting with a frown on her face. Mountain climbing was such a strange experience for me, having lived in Moscow where you can hardly find any mountains. However, I heard that you can enjoy a panoramic view of Hahoe Village from the top of the mountain, so I climbed the mountain with pleasure, though it was very demanding. As people say, good things will come to those who work hard, so I was able to take in the beauty of nature with my eyes, after such hard effort. A stream, with crystal clear waters, made its way down the mountain side, while the village of traditional Korean houses unfolds on the opposite side like a picture of a postcard. The scenery was indeed spectacular.
We head back down and then take a ferryboat to cross the river. The gentle breeze and warm sunshine feel great. While listening to our guide, I imagined how people had lived in Hahoe Village in the past. This is the kind of place where you want to stay, though it is only your first time. I think I have finally found a place that makes me feel most comfortable. I hope to come back here again if I have a chance.

Mysterious Seokguram Grotto
There are many differences between the cultures of the West, including Russia, and that of Asia. And it may not be much of an exaggeration to say the two cultures are, in fact, totally different. Perhaps that is why Western people are so curious about Asian culture, while I am especially interested in the traditional relics of Korea. Like many other Asian countries, Korea has been deeply influenced by Buddhism, and therefore there are many Buddhist artifacts. In addition, palaces and Buddhist temples have long been built in accordance with the principles of pungsu (feng shui), and you can also easily see buildings decorated with red, green, and white patterns.
Before I came to Korea, I heard much about the Seokguram Grotto, a very important site to Koreans. I decided to see this grotto, without fail, because I had missed out on a chance during my previous visits to Gyeongju. I am embarrassed to admit that I have never gotten up at 4 a.m. by myself. But this time, I made the effort to get up early in the morning out of my desire to enjoy the sunrise. It is said that if you make a wish at Seokguram, before the sun rises, then it will come true. I thus believe my wish will no doubt come true. Greeting the new day, I hurry to see Seokguram, the treasure of Gyeongju. A never-changing Buddha figure is watching me from the cave. I cannot believe that this is a work of human beings. Even the trivial areas of the grotto are handled with great care.
At that moment, it suddenly occurs to me how great this trip is because I am here with my friends. Those who travel with me are as unique as the cultural heritage of Gyeongju. It seemed as if I could cover every part of a globe if I tried to mark each person’s home country.

Buddhist Ritual Meal
Have you ever thought that overeating reveals the ugly greed of humans? There is a rule at a Buddhist temple that you should only take as much food as you can eat, and you must eat whatever you take. This is said as a means of helping you to avoid greed. Another temple rule is that everyone must help out with the household chores, like preparing food and cleaning up the dining area. As Buddhists refrain from eating the meat of animals or fish, we are served only vegetarian dishes. Moreover, you are told to sit upright during meals. You should concentrate only on your meal, close your mouth while chewing, and eat in silence. I find it not so easy to abide by these rules. Perhaps only Buddhist monks can comply with such strict rules at all times. Nevertheless, the experience allows me to understand about a Buddhist meal ritual. Whenever I look at the lotus lantern that I made at the temple, it stirs up my memories of Gimcheon.
You need considerable time and effort to conduct research on such a broad subject as Korean culture. Research is much like climbing a steep mountain. I think I have managed to overcome certain difficult areas and reached a middle level of the mountain as a result of this experience.