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Future Leaders of Sino-Korean Relations Visit China

Under the Korea-China Youth Exchange Program, university students from Korea visited China (July 3-16), with assistance from the Korea Foundation. After visiting Chinese cities like Beijing, Chengdu, and Kunming, the Korean student delegation pledged to serve as a cornerstone for promoting more cooperative relations between Korea and China.

‘Let’s meet again! Zaijian!’

Choi Ga-yeong,
Master’s Program, Department of Forestry Sciences, Seoul National University

China is a special country to me. Without any knowledge about China, I happened to volunteer for events arranged for a Chinese youth delegation visiting Korea, at the age of 23 while I was fully occupied with concerns and expectations about my future. The experience made me feel a need to learn more about China. The following year, I went to China to study. After learning about their language and culture for a year in China, I could feel that China was much greater than I had expected. Returning home, I continued to pursue study and research on China, which dramatically changed my life.
So, I was very excited about visiting China as a member of the Korean student delegation. The reason why this trip was especially significant to me was that I had worked as a volunteer for the Korean side when a delegation of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries came to Korea last year. Making preparations for more than two months to show them the real Korea, I became, above all, proud of my own country. Shedding tears at a farewell event, and feeling sorry to say goodbye, I also came to realize that diplomacy was not about something great and difficult, but rather an effort to show your heartfelt affection to others.
I came to China again through the recent exchange program and was touched far more deeply than the previous year. The schedule was tight, taking us from Chengdu to Kunming, and then to Beijing. All of the Korean delegation members, however, had a wonderful time thanks to the Chinese people who heartily welcomed us wherever we visited, and the Chinese volunteers who always smiled and tried to help us no matter how difficult it might have been. Especially, we could easily communicate with the volunteers since most of them had majored in Korean. One of them even knew catchphrases in Korean better than us, to our great surprise.
The most memorable experience during our visit was the homestay. The Chinese people were excited to take us into their homes. Although we could not communicate smoothly with each other because of the language barrier, the true friendliness of the Chinese families, during our two days together, moved us greatly. It was just a two-day experience, but we shed tears, feeling sorry to bid farewell.
Upon returning to Korea, I felt as if the ten days in China had just been a dream. When I wake up in the morning, I hear the voices of my Chinese friends in the distance, while the bright faces of the Korean delegation members remain in my mind. Everyone cried a lot and hugged one another to express our appreciation at the final farewell gathering. With a bittersweet feeling about parting, we seemed to believe there is no nationality in friendship, as the most important matter is to understand each other’s hearts.
The members of the Korean student delegation to China have since returned to their daily life. But we know the everyday life that has been waiting for us is no longer the same as before. This is because the country “China” has already found an almost too large place in our heart. On my way home, I dropped by a bookstore to resume my study of Chinese, which I had discontinued for a while. I hope to speak more fluent Chinese when I meet my Chinese friends again. Just thinking about this makes my heart beat faster. To my dear Chinese friends: Let’s meet again. Zaijian!

A Meaningful Visit to Correct My Misperceptions of China

Jeong Hae-geun,
Department of Marine Resource Development, Gangneung-Wonju National University

On the final morning of my ten-day visit to China, it felt as if everything had been a dream. The visit was such an unbelievably fantastic experience. It was the kind of time that I wanted to return to. I felt I might have a more pleasurable experience if I fell asleep again.
What I was most grateful for was the fact that we had a chance to understand and to naturally develop personal relations with friends from a different culture and environment. Beyond national boundaries, we harmonized our individual colors to a remarkable work, like a beautiful watercolor painting.
When I first arrived in China, I had various misperceptions and could not hide my sense of discomfort. I found various things, like the food, weather, and language, less than comfortable as if I had to wear wrong-size clothing. Different from other young people, I especially thought that students in China were somewhat backward, and I held negative opinions about even trivial things toward China. Now, however, I am embarrassed to think that I had these kinds of feelings.
My misperceptions of China immediately vanished when I felt the warm-heartedness of the host family of the homestay visit and the Chinese staff volunteers. I still well remember their great affection and caring. Some might wonder how I could change my attitude in such a brief period of time. Those who have been treated to such sincere kindness, however, may well understand my sense of gratefulness. As an apology to the Chinese people, I discarded all my childish thoughts as I boarded our flight bound for Korea.
Tears welled up in my eyes when it was time to say our good byes. They were tears of sorrow as well as joy for their self-development experience, which was rather unexpected. I felt elated to have gained so many friends. The time we spent together will long and vividly remain in my heart, like an exquisite watercolor painting.
Now, I have to resume my daily life. I have to do again what I have put off, and I have to continue the fierce competition of everyday life. However, my daily life will not be quite the same, because I now have precious memories that make me smile whenever I look back on this enjoyable experience.