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KF Activities - April 2011

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April 2011 KF 사업계획

Performance of Traditional Korean Martial Arts in Greece

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Greece and to promote cultural exchange between the two nations, the Korea Foundation supports a performance of traditional Korean martial arts, including “taekkyeon” (Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 76), in Greece, along with a seminar on the traditional martial arts of Korea.

PeriodApril 2-7, 2011
VenuesGreece Syntagma Square, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ano Liossia Olympic Hall
ContactCulture & Arts Department

Italian Film Festival

During the month of April, eight outstanding Italian movies are being screened at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center, at 7 p.m. on Mondays Wednesdays, and at 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Admission is free.

PeriodApril 4-27, 2011
VenuesKorea Foundation Cultural Center
ContactCulture & Arts Department

Contemporary Paintings of Bangladesh (II)

The exhibition features some 50 paintings by 16 contemporary Bangladeshi artists to introduce the dynamic world of Bangladesh art in Korea.

PeriodApril 8-15, 2011
VenuesKorea Foundation Cultural Center
ContactCulture & Arts Department

Buncheong Ceramics Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a special exhibition of buncheong ceramics of the Joseon Dynasty, mostly from the 15th-16th centuries, under the title of “Poetry in Clay: Korean Buncheong Ceramics.”

PeriodApril 7-August 14, 2011
VenuesMetropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
ContactCulture & Arts Department

Korean Dance Groups at Havana Vieja Dance Festival

Three prominent Korean dance groups, led by Lee In-soo, Lee Young-il and Shin Eun-joo, participate in the Havana Vieja Dance Festival, sponsored by the City of Havana. This prestigious Cuban dance festival brings together a number of world-renowned choreographers and dancers for the presentation of original dance works.

PeriodApril 13-17, 2011
OrganizerRetazos Dance Theater
VenuesHavana, Cienfuegos and Matanzas, Cuba
ContactCulture & Arts Department

Keun Deul Art Center at Pi Mai Festival in Laos

The Keun Deul Art Center participates in the Pi Mai Festival, a popular traditional arts festival in Laos, to perform an array of traditional Korean farmers’ music and folk play.

PeriodApril 14-19, 2011
OrganizerThe Keun Deul Art Center
VenuesLuang Prabang and Vientian, Laos
ContactCulture & Arts Department

German Cellist Jan Vogler at KF Spring Concert 2011

The Korea Foundation’s 2011 Spring Concert features world-renowned German cellist, Jan Vogler, performing with a German quintet.

PeriodApril 20-21, 2011
OrganizerGerman Embassy in Korea, Korea Foundation
VenuesKumho Art Hall (April 20), Bongseo Hall in the Cheonan City Hall (April 21)
ContactCulture & Arts Department

‘Together in Harmony for 50 Years’ to Celebrate Korea-Australia Relations

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Korea-Australia diplomatic relations, the exhibition features some 100 artworks by artists from diverse backgrounds, who are currently active in Australia.

PeriodApril 28-May 17, 2011
OrganizerKWASS (Korean Women’s Art Society in Sydney)
VenuesKorea Foundation Cultural Center
ContactCulture & Arts Department

Invitation Program

The Korea Foundation invites prominent foreign figures and specialists from the social, cultural, media, and academic sectors to visit Korea to acquire firsthand knowledge of Korea’s society and people. The KF guests are offered opportunities to exchange knowledge and information with their Korean counterparts through visits to relevant organizations and lecture presentations. The program is designed to enhance understanding of Korea in the global community as well as to promote friendly relations among nations.

Period Guest
March 28-April 3 Victor HermannDeputy Chief Editor and International News Editor Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria
April 10-16 Lucy BogariDeputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Papua New Guinea
April 11-17 Wieland Peter Maria EggemontDirector, RASA Centre for World Cultures,The Netherlands
April 17-23 Khalid AI SayedEditor in Chief, The Peninsula Newspaper, Qatar
April 18-24 Abdul Elahh Abdul Quader HusseinExecutive Manager, Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation, United Arab Emirates
April 18-24 Jean Tabi MangaRector, University of Yaounde II, Cameroon
April 22-28 Luis Beiro AlvarezCulture Editor, Listin Diario, Dominican Republic

ContactPublic Diplomacy Department 02 )2046 ­ 8529 / publicdiplomacy@kf.or.kr

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