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KF-University of Hawaii, Successful Conclusion of Matching Fund Campaign

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Milestone for the Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii

Successful Conclusion of Matching Fund Campaign

April 1, 2011 marked a milestone in the history
of the Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and its faculty.
A ceremony took place on the day at the Center’s auditorium
to celebrate the conclusion of a matching fund campaign to support the Korean Studies
Rotating Chair Endowment,
which began in 2006 with the Korea Foundation’s challenge grant of $1 million.

The ceremony began with the author’s welcoming remarks and heard brief addresses by Dr. Virginia Hinshaw, chancellor of UHM; Dr. Kim Byung-Kook, president of the Korea Foundation; and Ms. Donna Vuchinich, president of the University of Hawaii Foundation; and finally, congratulatory remarks by the Honorable Suh Young-kil, consul general of the Republic of Korea in Honolulu, Hawaii. The ceremony brought together CKS and UHM faculty members, CKS visiting scholars, major Hawaii donors, and distinguished local guests to witness the grand finale of the five-year fundraising campaign – a symbolic moment that represented a confirmation of the long-standing and close partnership between the Korea Foundation and the Center. In this regard, the gathering served as a meaningful occasion for the participants to strengthen their sense of community and share a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in the Center’s efforts, which culminated in it exceeding a goal of raising $1 million to a $2 million endowment fund.

Building on a Solid Foundation

The Center for Korean Studies was the first area studies center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and the first center in the United States for the study of Korea. It maintains the largest concentration of Korean Studies scholars and related resources outside of Korea, and also boasts the most versatile and diversified Korea-related course offerings and degree programs. CKS is the publisher of the prestigious international journal, Korean Studies, and a monograph series that now totals more than 30 titles. Furthermore, it regularly hosts colloquia, forums, and presentations on topics critical to Korean Studies, and presents a variety of exhibitions and performances.

The Center is also unique in that it provides generous funding for faculty research, international conferences, and instructional/outreach activities. The Center’s faculty members, collectively, have authored hundreds of journal articles and books, and presented research results at conferences throughout the world. Another noteworthy CKS activity is its Visiting Scholar Program, which annually invites up to ten eminent professionals of Korean Studies. In a word, the Center is recognized as one of the most globally significant and prominent scholarly institutions in America.

With the fundraising project successfully completed, the Center is well-positioned to continue to be the flagship institution of Korean Studies in the United States and further strengthen its vision to nurture and promote Korean Studies the world over. The Endowment fund will enable the retention of young, new Korean specialists, every four years, in the areas where such needs are most relevant. This will contribute to sustaining long-term and continuous development of Korean programs and courses on the UHM campus. In this sense, the value of the forward-looking financial support of the Korea Foundation cannot be overestimated. It is my sincere hope that the relations between our two institutions thus forged will be further strengthened and consolidated in the future so that our common aspirations to globally stimulate Korea-related scholarly activities will be realized in the most productive and exemplary manner.

Aloha! Koreanists Reception Reception for International Scholars
Another highlight of April 1, 2011 was the Aloha Koreanists’ Reception held in the evening at the Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu, which was co-hosted by the KF and CKS. The event was arranged in conjunction with the annual AAS-ICAS Joint Conference in Honolulu, under way at the Hawaii Convention Center from March 31 to April 3, 2011, which was held in Hawaii for the first time in 15 years. After a full three months of planning and preparations, the reception was a fabulous success, attracting more than 350 Koreanists, and their colleagues and friends, which far exceeded the original expectations. The event began with brief welcoming remarks by Dr. Kim Byung-Kook president of the Korea Foundation, followed by greetings from Dr. Virginia Hinshaw, chancellor of UHM, and the author on behalf of the Center for Korean Studies. The culinary feast – a fusion in which Korean foods met the West for optimal flavor and aesthetic appeal – seemed to have well satisfied the tastes of guests. The delectable food, soft background Korean music, and friendly ambiance demonstrated to the fullest the trademark hospitality and warmth of the rainbow state of Hawaii. The reception also served as another venue where Koreanists further enhanced the Conference’s goal to foster and uphold scholarly excellence and camaraderie amidst a relaxed and informal setting.

All these events would have been impossible without the generous support, good will, and cooperation of the Korea Foundation and the staff members of its Korean Studies Department, who worked closely with the CKS over the past three months to plan the ceremony and the reception. I would also like to acknowledge the Radio Korea Hawaii staff members, who gladly volunteered to help with the background music for the venue throughout the evening. Last but not least, my deepest thanks go to my CKS staff members, who spared no effort to make the occasion a success, working beyond the call of duty. These concerted efforts of the Korea Foundation, CKS, and the local Hawaii community made it possible for the guests to enjoy a memorable and rewarding experience.

Yung-Hee Kim, Director, Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa

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