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KF Guest Curators Needed for Overseas Museums

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KF Guest Curators Needed for Overseas Museums

KF Guest Curators Needed for Overseas Museums

The Korea Foundation not only operates Korea sections in overseas museums but also sends Korean experts to museums that lack full-time curators for Korean art. We are currently seeking guest curators who can serve in this capacity in 2013 and 2014 and look forward to hearing from interested parties.
  • Participating Museums
    • British Museum, Honolulu Museum of Art
  • Dates of Work
    • British Museum: Nov 2013–Nov 2014 (1 year)
    • Honolulu Museum of Art: Second half of 2013–first half of 2014 (1 year)
  • Necessary Qualifications
    • A Ph.D. in a professional field related to art history or museum studies
    • At least 10 years work or research in a museum related to Korean art (Gaps in related work must not exceed two years)
    • Ability to communicate comfortably in English (the language of the destination)
    • Nothing disqualifying you from working overseas
    • Recommendation from the organization you are affiliated with
  • KF Guest Curators Needed for Overseas Museums
  • Work Conditions
    • Full-time, five days a week
  • Application Period
    • During the end of May
  • How to Apply
    • Via email and post (include letter of recommendation)
  • Support from the Korea Foundation
    • Round-trip airfare and living expenses

For more detailed information, please refer to our website (www.kf.or.kr). Work and application period is subject to change.

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