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Canada Wood & Architecture

Canada Wood & Architecture


Canada Wood & Architecture

The Korea Foundation, Embassy of Canada and Canada Wood Korea are jointly hosting the Canada Wood & Architecture exhibition. The exhibition theme is related to the lumber of Canada, the world’s No. 1 producer of timber and wood products. As an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Canada, the exhibition features the award-winning works of a wood design competition that was organized by the Canadian Embassy in Korea, alongside examples of Korean wood craftsmanship.

Under the theme “Trees That Breathe, Trees Where I Can Rest,” viewers can see ten winning works from the wood design competition, in addition to a selection of works by Korean architects, including Choi Sam-young, president of Kawa Design Group. The exhibition also includes an experience zone, where visitors can handle various Canadian lumber items. The exhibition’s supplemental activities include a seminar in which prominent Korean architects, such as Lee Hyun-wook, will discuss a variety of aspects related to the uses of wood and the building of wood houses.

* Please visit our homepage for additional information

  • Mon–Fri 11am–8pm, Wed 11am–9pm
    Sat 11am– 6pm,closed Sundays and public holidays
  • KF Cultural Center Gallery
    (Mirae Asset CENTER 1, West Tower, 2nd fl.)
  • Culture & Arts Department, KF
    02)2151-6520 / kfcenter@kf.or.kr
  • Free