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The 2nd Korea-EU Forum

The 2nd Korea-EU Forum


The 2nd Korea-EU Forum

The Korea Foundation is presenting the 2nd Korea-EU Forum in cooperation with Yonsei University and the Robert Schuman Foundation. The inaugural session of the Korea-EU Forum was held in Brussels in 2012. This year, it is being held in Seoul as an event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and the EU.

Korean and European high level officials, members of parliament, journalists, businesspersons, scholars, and experts will gather to reflect on the past 50 years of Korea-EU cooperative relations and to discuss ideas on ways to realize an even more dynamic partnership based on a long-term vision.
  • Lotte Hotel in Sogong-dong, Seoul
  • Public Diplomacy Department, KF
    02)2046-8527 / hykwon@kf.or.kr