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퀴즈 “한국에서 만나는 세계” 에서는 매월 퀴즈를 통해 여러분들의 소중한 참여를 기다립니다.
In the summer, it’s hard not to think about the refreshing coolness of ice cream! Dondurma ice cream from Turkey is well-known for being sticky and slow to melt, and it is all because of this ingredient. Turks are said to put this powder in warm milk and drink it even during the winter. What is it?

Email the correct answer, your name, and your contact information to kfvngood@naver.com to enter a drawing for a prize. The winner’s name will be announced seperately. We look forward to hearing from you.

6월호 정답 발표
  • There’s a type of traditional carved wooden horse that hails from Sweden’s Dalarna province. What is it called?
  • Dala horse
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