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New KF Executive Vice Presidents Take Office

New KF Executive Vice Presidents Take Office

Zeon Nam-jin, former Korean ambassador to Fiji, and Cha Du-hyeogn, former policy advisor to the Ministry of Unification, took office as new executive vice presidents of the Korea Foundation. At a joint inauguration ceremony on July 13, they pledged to do their utmost to further advance the Foundation’s public diplomacy initiatives toward the purpose of improving Korea’s global standing and international friendship.

Zeon Nam-jin is a career diplomat, who has served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for three decades. He recently retired as the Korean ambassador to Fiji. Cha Du-hyeogn has served in several key government positions since he joined the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in 1989. Most recently, he served as presidential secretary for crisis management and policy advisor to the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Unification. Zeon is responsible for the Innovation & Planning Department, HR & General Affairs Department, and Media PR Center, while Cha oversees the Korean Studies Department, Public Diplomacy Department, and Culture and Arts Department.

Zeon Nam-jin’s Inaugural Remarks

The Korea Foundation, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, has successfully implanted a proper recognition and understanding of Korea in the global society and enhanced international friendship and cooperation through the promotion of Korean Studies, Korean language education, and the exchange of culture, arts, and people. On the strength of its past success, the Foundation is firmly poised to continue its march forward. I intend to cooperate closely with the organization’s staff and management to lead our endeavor toward a greater success.

While admitting to my own shortcomings, I do believe that my professional experience can be combined with the talent of our valuable staff to build greater synergy. In this way, I expect the Foundation’s performance can be further improved and thus better support the government’s diplomatic efforts in a more effective manner. And eventually, our Foundation will become an organization that is genuinely beloved by the Korean people and the global society as well.

These days, hallyu (Korean Wave) is spreading beyond Asia to the world, while K-pop (Korean pop music) is increasingly attracting international fans. And Pyeongchang was also recently named the host of the 2018 Winter Olympics. All of these developments serve as positive momentum to promote Korea in the international community. In addition, Korean industrial products, such as electronic devices, automobiles, and ships are highly regarded in the global market. These trends will also be of great help in the Foundation’s efforts to promote Korean Studies and language education abroad, as well as cultural, arts and personnel exchanges.

At the same time, the Foundation is facing ever greater demand for its support funds. In response to this, we need to be better prepared and strengthen our teamwork. Today, I pledge to you that I will do whatever I can do for the development of the Foundation. And lastly, I would like to mention that I am proud to be with the Foundation and thank you for this opportunity.

KF Executive Vice President Zeon Nam-jin  Academic Background - 1980 B.A. in Geography, Seoul National University, 1999 M.A. in Environmental Policy, Yale University, School of Forestry & Environment, U.S.
Career Experience - 1980 Senior-level Diplomatic Service Examination , 1993 Consul, Korean Consulate General in New York, U.S., 2000 Director, Environment Cooperation Division, Ministry of , 2002 Minister-Counsellor, Korean Embassy in Indias

Cha Du-hyeogn’s Inaugural Remarks

When the Foundation announced its public recruitment of an executive vice president and I considered applying for the position, I encountered a difficult situation. This was because of a question about myself, of whether or not I had really contributed, as a true professional, while serving as a policy advisor to the KF president for the past 10 months. In the end, I concluded that I would be able to contribute more to the Foundation, and I am now thankful for the opportunity to be here with you today.

There were two main factors behind my decision. First, I have really enjoyed working with the Foundation staff over the past 10 months, and have come to believe that there is nothing which cannot be achieved as long as we all work together. Because I know you are fully capable of doing so. Second, I thought, during these times when so many people emphasize the importance of “global Korea” and “soft power,” this is a great time for the Foundation to take a big leap forward.

Results are important for professionals. Doing your best is a measure for appraising a person’s performance, but quite frankly, the result is more important. We need to agonize over solutions and help each other to become true specialists. This won’t be easy. We will face hardships, which might be like trekking the Arctic tundra or the jungle of Africa. But, above all, we will face up to such challenges as a united organization. As your executive vice president I will assume responsibility for the Foundation’s development.

KF Executive Vice President Cha Du-hyeogn  Academic Background - 1985 B.A. in Political Science and International Relations, , 1997 M.A. in Political Science, Yonsei University, 2006 Ph.D. in Political Science, Yonsei University
Career Experience - 1989 Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, 2004 Advisor, Policy Planning Group for USFK, Office of the , 2006 Policy Advisor, Ministry of Defense, 2007 Policy Advisor, Ministry of Unification, 2007 Advisor, Committee for Fulfillment of Inter-Korean , 2009 Director, North Korean Studies, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, 2011 Policy Advisor to the President, Korea Foundation




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