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KF Hosts 2011 Year-end Party for its Friends in Washington, D.C.

KF Hosts 2011 Year-end Party for its Friends in Washington, D.C.  The Korea Foundation Washington, D.C. Office hosted a 2011 year-end party for KF friends and Korea Club members in the Washington, D.C. area on December 14. The guests included former participants of an array of KF-related activities and other prominent figures from the U.S. capital city and its vicinities.  Kathleen Stephens, former U.S. ambassador to Korea, speaks at the 2011 year-end party for KF friends in Washington, D.C.

Highlights of the Function

Among some 150 guests were 19 participants in the Foundation’s “U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers Revisit (to Korea)” program and four teachers who had attended the “KF Korean Studies Workshop for U.S. Educators” as well as participants in various other KF programs. Also in attendance were individuals from Korea-related institutions and organizations based in Washington, D.C., including the U.S. State Department, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), Brookings Institution, the U.S. Library of Congress, Asia Foundation, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University, and the Korean Cultural Center, as well as Korean media correspondents, Korean-American press groups, Voice of America, and Radio Free Asia.

In the past, the KF Washington, D.C. Office usually hosted an year-end event for some 50 or so guests, who were mainly participants of KF programs. Last year, however, the Foundation joined hands with the Korea Club, a private policy discussion group in Washington, D.C., to jointly host the gathering in an effort to better connect more people who are interested and engaged in U.S.-Korea relations, and as a result, the attendance increased to three times that of previous years. The 2011 year-end function was further highlighted by a special Korean cultural performance and remarks by Kathleen Stephens, former U.S. ambassador to Korea.

Washington Sorichung gives a special performance of traditional Korean music.Consolidating the KF’s Cooperative

As featured guest speaker, Ambassador Stephens gave remarks under the title of “Personal Reflections on U.S.-Korea Relations,” based largely on her experiences as the chief of U.S. mission to Korea (September 2008 to October 2011), drawing an enthusiastic response from the audience. Prior to her appointment as ambassador to Korea, Stephens had served as a member of the U.S. Peace Corps (1975-1977), chief of the internal political unit at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul (1984-1987) and principal officer of the U.S. Consulate in Busan (1983-1989).

Ambassador Stephens opened her remarks with congratulations for the Foundation on its 20th anniversary and presented her personal thoughts on the Korea-U.S. alliance and the steady advancement of Korea’s democratic system.

Washington Sorichung, a traditional Korean music group, performed “Amazing Grace” with the gayageum zithers and “Sarangga” (Love Song) in pansori narrative chant, offering an opportunity for the guests to enjoy Korea’s native musical traditions.

The Korea Foundation also hosted similar year-end gatherings for its friends in other cities around the world, including Los Angeles, Beijing, Berlin, Moscow, and Hanoi, where it maintains overseas offices to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and friendship networks.

Lee Kwang-cheol, Director
Korea Foundation Washington, D.C. Office




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