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We Link! We Share!  / The Korea Foundation's Social Contribution Activities for 2012 / The KF Angels: Service at the Myoung Ryun Orphanage

An important ideal of The Korea Foundation is their social contributions, which is called "A Partner in Global Sharing." Hence, The Korea Foundation carries out various activities to serve the community; furthermore, we have an in-house volunteer group, The KF Angels.

The KF Angels: Service at the Myoung Ryun Orphanage

The KF Angels is a volunteer group that was organized in 2010 to encourage and provide a permanent way for The KF employees to voluntarily participate in social contribution activities. Since its organization, the group has practiced the spirit of sharing by visiting orphanages and nursing homes every year. In 2012, The KF Angels focused their efforts on the Myoung Ryun Orphanage. The KF Angels will continue their service for the community, especially on behalf of the underprivileged and neglected.

The KF Angels: Service at the Myoung Ryun OrphanagePlanting Trees, Collecting Garbage, in Paju,
Gyeonggi-do, on Arbor Day and World Water Day

Each year, The Foundation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and its affiliates participate in voluntary service activities for Arbor Day and World Water Day, which are organized by the Forest Service and the Ministry of Environment. This year, The Foundation planted trees and collected garbagein an area near Munsancheon Stream, Paju, Gyeonggi Province.

Emotional Support Program for Low-Income Elderly, Love with CakeEmotional Support Program for Low-Income
Elderly, “Love with Cake”

The Foundation carries out community service in in conjunction with the Seocho Volunteer Center. As their first activity in 2012, The Foundation organized a cake-making event for senior citizens, who live alone, in the Seocho-gu District, and delivered the cakes they made to those elderly, who are too frail to freely move about in public. For the event, The Foundation, along with the well-known Kim Young-mo Bakery, tokens of love to our neighbors in need.

Support for the Yang Jae Senior Welfare Center’s Arts Festival and Cleaning Up the Enviromnent

The second cooperative activity of The Foundation with the Seocho Volunteer Center was assistance for an arts festival that benefited the elderly of the Yang Jae Senior Welfare Center, which was held at the Seocho District Citizens' Hall on October 16. Furthermore, The Foundation helped clean up the surrounding environment. Volunteer workers helped ailing old people, prepared snacks, and collected garbage after the festival ended.

The Korea Foundation as a Yaiigjaecheon<br/>
Environment KeeperThe Korea Foundation as a Yaiigjaecheon
Environment Keeper

To serve the local community and join in the international concern of nature conservation, The Foundation acts as an environment keeper for the Yangjaecheon Stream every month, starting from September 2012. The Foundation, along with the Seocho Volunteer Center, assumed the responsibility for taking care of a designated part in Yangjaecheon, along a stream.

The KF Social Contribution Fund’s Support Activities

The KF Social Contribution Fund was organized voluntarily by The KF employees, who donated a certain portion of their wages for social contributions. The Fund was started in November 2011 and began offering support in January 2012 through various means to those in need of help. In 2013, The Foundation plans to establish a cooperative system with Seoguipo City on Jeju-do in order to carry out more systematic support activities.

· Support for home-study materials of children from multiracial families:
636,000 won each month, as of November 30, 2012.
· Support for the 2012 Asia Pacific Deaf Games, April 2012: 10,000,000 won.
· Purchase of Yeosu Expo tickets, August 2012, which were donated to Wunju Elementary School in Wanju County, North Jeolla Province: 1,045,500 won. · Support for children welfare centers in Donghong-dong, Jeju City, October 2012: Dongdong Children Welfare Center, Saemsonneun Children Welfare Center, 500,000 won each: 1,000,000 won; and a visit by The KF Executive Vice-president. · Support for Seogui-dong Multicultural Family Support Center in Seoguipo City, Jeju-do, November 2012:
1,000,000 won; and a visit by The KF President.




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