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Embrace of Multiculturalism: Launch of ‘Korean-Foreigner Friendship Program’ to Encourage Interaction and Friendship

Embrace of Multiculturalism: Launch of ‘Kore-
an-Foreigner Friendship Program’ to Encourage
Interaction and Friendship

As evidenced by the some 1,750,000 foreign residents who now call Korea their home, Korea has recently entered an age of multiculturalism with a globalized society. In response to this social transformation, the Korea Foundation has launched the “Korean-Foreigner Friendship Program” to noticeably boost the cultural interaction and exchange between Korea’s citizens and its foreign residents. This project is designed to improve relations between Koreans and foreigners in Korea by enabling both groups to participate in educational/cultural activities that can contribute to an enhanced awareness and appreciation of each other.
The KF Friendship Program seeks to break down the barriers that can exist between foreign residents and Koreans by offering lecture sessions and cultural activities so that foreigners can acquire a more in-depth understanding of Korean society, as well as instructional programs to bolster Koreans’ international competitiveness and to strengthen their ability to achieve success on the global stage. Cultural events such as exhibitions and performances will also be staged to promote active interaction and dialogue between Korea’s citizens and foreign residents. The KF Friendship Program is expected to further broaden the KF’s international networks and to increase the number of opportunities for Koreans to participate in Korea’s public diplomacy endeavors.