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KF GALLERY OPEN STAGE 1,2: Opening the KF Gallery 2015 Open Stage with Art from Neighboring Countries

Gallery 2015 Open Stage with Art from Neigh-
boring Countries

The KF Gallery 2015 Open Stage program opened the New Year with two cultural performances by two of Korea’s neighboring countries. The first featured the traditional music and royal court dances of Okinawa (a one-time independent kingdom that is now part of Japan), along with such activities as sampling the local snacks and liquors of Okinawa and trying on traditional garments. To the audience of some 200 invited guests and KF supporters, the evening proved to be an enjoyable experience and chance to learn about little-known aspects of Okinawan culture.
 The second Open Stage performance was headlined by the largest-ever cast of performers to take the KFCC Gallery stage, a combined total of 60 young singers of the Little Companion Art Troupe Choir of Shanghai and the World Vision Korea Children’s Choir. The truly beautiful harmony of the two choir groups, made possible by their youthful age and musical talent, struck an emotional chord with everyone in the audience who responded with enthusiastic applause throughout the program. Indeed, this uplifting experience was another example of how cultural exchange can help to boost the friendly relations between neighboring countries and peoples.
  • KF Global Center
    02-2151-6520 / kfcenter@kf.or.kr / www.kf.or.kr
KF Gallery Open Stage1
자세한 내용 보러가기 (한국국제교류재단 홈페이지)
KF Gallery Open Stage2
자세한 내용 보러가기 (한국국제교류재단 홈페이지)