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A message of gratitude from the Director of Leiden University Libraries Kurt De Belder

A message of gratitude from the Director of
Leiden University Libraries Kurt De Belder

Your Excellency, Mr. Choe
On behalf of Leiden University Libraries, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your kind assistance and mediation with the Korean Foundation in regard to the Korean Studies materials distribution program.
I signed an agreement last week in which The Asian Library joined forces with the International Institute for Asian Studies to support the renowned Book Prize of the International Convention of Asia Scholars. Through these and other initiatives we seek to further position The Asian Library as one of the major international knowledge hubs on Asia.
The expansion and enrichment of our current Korean collections is therefore one of the top priorities for Leiden University Libraries, and it is very encouraging to know that we can count on the contribution and support of your good offices and the Korean Foundation in realizing this goal. We also look forward to collaborating with organizations within the Republic of Korea to make these collections and library services available to scholars from Korea and those interested in Korea.
I would particularly like to express my appreciation for your Excellency’s swift action in contacting the Korea Foundation following your visit to our library. Within two days, our subject librarian Ms. Kreeft was directly contacted by the person in charge of the program, Ms. Hee-jeong Kim, to whom we are very grateful.
Once again, thank you for your attention and your time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you or your staff desire any further information.

With high regards,
Kurt De Belder Director of Leiden University Libraries & Leiden University Press