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Former President of Kyrgyzstan Roza Otunbayeba Visits Korea

NEWSLETTER > KF Activities > Recent Events > KF Invitation Program Former President of Kyrgyzstan Roza Otunbayeva...

KF Invitation Program
Former President of Kyrgyzstan
Roza Otunbayeva Visits Korea

Via the invitation of the KF, Roza Otunbayeva, former President of Kyrgyzstan, visited Korea on May 18-28. The founder of the Roza Otunbyeva Initiative, a nonprofit foundation, and a champion of Kyrgyzstan’s educational and social development, former President Otunbayeva attended the World Education Forum, where she met with Korea’s Education Minister Hwang Woo-yea to discuss measures to upgrade Korea-Kyrgyzstan exchange, with particular regard to natural sciences and engineering. She also visited the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) for a meeting with HUFS President Kim In-chul to discuss bolstering Korea-Kyrgyzstan academic exchange. After returning home, former President Otunbayeva stated her intentions to apply what she had learned about Korea’s educational development to her own initiatives, along with unveiling plans to establish public preschools, expand educational opportunities in Kyrgyzstan, and improve classroom conditions.
  • Personnel Exchange Department
    02-2046-8551 / mhpark@kf.or.kr
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