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KF Gallery Open Stage 6: Judy's Harmonica Ensemble Performance

NEWSLETTER > KF Activities > KF Gallery Open Stage 6 : Judy’s Harmonica Ensemble Concert

KF Gallery Open Stage 6 :
Judy’s Harmonica Ensemble Concert

Featuring world-class musicians from Taiwan, Judy’s Harmonica Ensemble is set to astound Korean audiences on August 5, 2015. Formed in the spring of 2002, the ensemble’s five harmonica ps made a name for themselves by becoming the triple-crown winners of the 2004 Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival in Hong Kong. Judy’s Harmonica Ensemble takes you on a musical journey of multiple genres, from classical to folk and even jazz, always delivering performances that delight both the eyes and ears of everyone in attendance.
  • 8/5 20:00
    Apply for tickets July 24, 2015 (2 p.m.) – August 2, 2015 (6 p.m.)
    ※ Notice: The period of concert reservation is extended to August 2.
  • Kumho Art Hall
  • Go to KF homepage (www.kr.or.kr) > Get Involved >
    KF Global +Center > Performances
  • Announcement of concert attendants August 3, 2015 (After 3 p.m.)
    Go to the Notice Board of KF Website for a listing of confirmed attendees. First-come, first-served reservation
  • KF Global Center
    02-2151-6520 / kfcenter@kf.or.kr
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