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KFGF of the Month: Thoughts on the Exhibition MA:T

KFGF of the Month Thoughts on the Exhibition:
MA:T Korean Culture Beyond the Recipe

I think the key themes of this exhibition were “infographics,” “recreation,” “portraying food,” and “multimedia.” Upon entering the gallery, I was greeted with infographics on bibimbap, kimchi, and makgeolli, which sparked my interest before even seeing the actual exhibition. Then, by accurately recreating Korea’s everyday dining culture, the exhibition disproved the preconceptions that only the traditional or magnificent are worthy of being preserved. In terms of display methods, rather than succumbing to the difficulty of portraying food, the artists utilized diverse materials to highlight each dish’s aesthetic appeal. Particularly interesting was a piece called Bibimbap Seoul, which creatively employed the fabric of a yellow exfoliating glove to portray the egg in bibimbap. I was also impressed with the ary videos, cartoons, and various media that conveyed meaningful details in a more casual way. The exhibition even offered additional programs that allowed visitors to interactively experience Korean food culture.

Baek Min-ha
4th KFGF Group, Yonsei University
Underwood International College

KFGF (Korea Foundation Global Futurist) is a group of university students who are the official supporters of the KF.

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