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New Year’s Greetings from KF President

New Year’s Greetings

To start with, I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year! May you enjoy a healthful and fulfilling year in 2016.2015 was a meaningful year, during which the KF received top marks on all its major external evaluations. To all the KF’s staff members, advisors, supporters, and friends, I extend my utmost and sincere gratitude. The KF started a number of new projects last year. In 2016, we will upgrade the pilot programs into our regular operations. For me, 2016 will be my final year as the KF President, meaning that I am eager to achieve the goals that I set at the time of my appointment. First and foremost, we intend to actively implement projects to foster next-generation policy experts from around the world. Instead of simply supporting renowned specialists abroad, we need to provide more help so that aspiring young scholars can develop into true Korea-related practitioners. The programs to nurture policy experts across Europe, the United States, ASEAN, and Oceania will be expanded to Korea’s neighboring nations, such as Japan and China. We will also host a study tour in Korea for the students of last year’s program to discuss new ideas about Korea’s public diplomacy.
Second, we will push to have the KF Global Center make further strides along its current course. This is an important endeavor that helps Korea’s 1.8 million international residents to enjoy their life in Korea and become valuable contributors to Korean society. There are concerns that our foreign residents may return to their home countries with less than favorable impressions of Korea. Just as it’s important to promote Korea overseas, it is also necessary for us to help the foreign community to become advocates of Korea and its people. Third, I look forward to launching an all-new cultural initiative. The KF intends to encourage and support Korea’s artists and cultural figures so that they can apply their talents to overcome poverty, environmental degradation, child abuse, and human rights violations, and thereby elevate Korea’s reputation for helping to alleviate the problems plaguing the global community. The upcoming year will also be one of great change. As part of the government’s initiative to distribute public institutes around the country, the KF is slated to be relocated to Seogwipo, Jeju-do. As such, 2016 will require careful planning and preparations. I humbly request your continued support and encouragement for the KF’s success in 2016 and beyond.

The Korea Foundation
Hyun-seok Yu
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